Race: Human
Height: 6'3"
Age: 25
Family: A mother, father and two younger sisters
Animals: His horse, Cerebil
Weapons: Broadsword; long dagger. Is also proficient with a bow

Personality: Aeldrid was born as a farmer and raised as such. This has given him a love for the land and for animals. He is also very practical and sturdy, personality wise. Joining the Gondorian Guard has made him a little more stern and he places a good deal on tradition and ceremony. He is an excellent fighter wtih the potential to become a good leader someday. Aeldrid is quiet and seldom shows his emotions to strangers. Among his family, Aeldrid is a teasing older brother and an obediant son. His youngest sister Rhyanna is the soft spot in his heart and he would do anything for the little girl. But beyond his mother and sisters, Aeldrid has very little experience with women, so often avoids them when possible. He has a strong sense of honor and loyalty, as well as compassion. He is very protective and well-mannered. As taught as a youth, he respects women and his elders. Aeldrid can become extremely dangerous when his family is threatened. Although his anger is great when aroused, he still can keep a relatively clear head. He is very shy at times and this can come off as pride or coldness. Sometimes, he can seem a bit abrupt or verbally clumsy, which is why he is usually silent. His weakness for Rhyanna can also cause him to spoil her.

Appearance: Aeldrid is tall, broad shouldered and well built. He has dark brown hair that is almost black and powder blue eyes. He has a strong jaw line and a good nose; his hair is about chin length and a little unruly at times. He is usually cleanshaven. Aeldrid's posture is usually straight; his stride is purposeful.


Aeldrid was born on a farm in Rohan. When he was 17 he was allowed to travel to Gondor to join the Royal Guard. He has risen through the ranks to be a Palace Guard at 24.

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