Gender: 2
Race: Human
Height: 6 foot even
Age: Early 30's
Family: Too many to list
Weapons: sword if needed, though its been locked in his trunk since the war ended; his largest peg hammer, weighing nearly 7 pounds.

Personality: Donnel can be shrewd at times and down right dense at others, particularly when it comes to women. Usually outgoing, Donnel enjoys making friends, even though his circle of those he would truely call friends is small. The rest of any he has ever met he considers to be 'friendly aquaintences', and one can never have to many of those. Donnel prefers the simple things in life, not understanding the need of others for the 'finer' lifestyle. If one has food in his belly, a warm place to sleep and an occupation to keep his hands and mind occupied, then what more is there to be desired in life. His desire is to be comfortable in his life. Comfortable enough to carry into his old age. The hording of wealth is a subject that will always cause him to shake his head over. Those that meet Donnel for the first time often see him as brusk and opinionated. Although he is truely opinionated even after one gets to know him, he has a good heart and doesn't mean anything ill by what he says. He believes that he is being helpful. Tendency toward a firey temper (goes with the red hair). *Character still under construction. Stay tuned for more details later.*

Appearance: Strawberry blonde hair that tends more toward the red than the blonde, dark green eyes. He would describe himself as average, though the barmaids give him more smiles than most. His shoulders are broad and his hands large and calloused from working with wood. During his service as a foot soldier in the Gondorian army he was wounded. From this wound he bares a thick scar from a sword slash the begins behind his left ear and ends just below his collar bone. If it hadn't been for his helmet, his skull would likely had been cleaved in two. As it was he was only grazed by the tip of his enemies blade.


His roots is in ship building and carpentry, trained by his father and grandfather. He moved to Annúminas when it was refounded after the war, certain that someone with his skills would find many opportunities to make a fresh start.

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