f English

From the English word Trinity, given in honour of the Christian belief that God has three states of being: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Miriam-Webster gives the entymology as follows: Middle English trinite, from Old French trinité, from Late Latin trinitat-, trinitas ‘state of being threefold’, from Latin trinus threefold. Sindarin: (three-fold*) Nelgún, Nelraeg; m Nelgúnion, Nelraegion; f Nelgúnien, Nélraegiel. ( to be three-fold*) Nonelgún, Nonélraeg; m Nonelgúnon, Nonélraegion; f Nonelgúneth, Nonélraegien. [_cûn_ and _raeg_ both mean ‘bent’ and so perhaps could be used as ‘folded’ in this case] ●

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