At the time of the War of the Ring , many subsidiary battles were fought on all fronts. So it was, in the year TA 3019, that Dol Guldur opened its dark gates and the army of Khamûl the Easterling came out.

Thranduil put up a line of defense in the trees, but long there were fires and swords under birch and oak in the north of Mirkwood. At last though, Thranduil and his folk overcame the darkness.

Celeborn and Galadriel also marched from Lothlórien to Dol Guldur and smote it down.

At around the same time, the Ships of the Corsairs came to Minas Tirith, and the turn of the tide was brought to the Army of the West.
Encyclopedia entry originally written by Eärnil_Captain_Of_Gondor