Translate 1-4 into English and 5-8 into Quenya. Remember to pluralize adjectives and verbs where needed! (Use *…* to show in English that an emphatic form of the pronoun is used).

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1. Inyë meluva elyë oialë, melda herinya.

2. Man varyuva me ilyë umië lamnillon?

3. Elmë varyuvar le lintë roqueninen ar andë macilentainen

4. Massë elyë marnë lempë loar yá?

5. *I* dwelled with my family in a country beyond the sea.

6. Give us soup, meat and wine for our [excl] feast. [directed at one person]

7. What are you doing? Don't cut that root! [directed at several people]

8. When my mother will control many towns, I will be rich.

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