10. You and your friends at school are known as “The Lord Of The Rings Group”.
9. Just before you go to sleep you talk like Gollum, it’s your lullaby.
8. You fantasize about your wedding with one of The Lord Of The Rings characters.
7. When your parents tell you that your obsessed you say “No I’m not. I haven’t learned Elvish yet.”
6. You read things like this.
5. You practice movie make up on your friends and make them look like characters from The Lord Of The Rings.
4. You have a one ring look a like, but when someone goes to touch it you hiss at then and start rubbing the ring saying “Did that thing try to touch you. Poor precioussss, poor poor preciousss.”
3. You have more then 5 Lord Of The Rings related things (games, posters, movies) and when the get even the slightest scratch or dent in them you start crying.
2. Whenever your parents want you to do something all they have to do is threaten to huck out all your Lord Of The Rings things and you’ll do what the want.
1. You eat, sleep, and breath Lord Of The Rings.

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