1. You call your enemies ‘orcs’.
2. You constantly quote the books and/or movies.
3. You draw up complicated list comparing LotR to Star Wars or Harry Potter or whatever.
4. You are a worthy competitor at LotR Trivial Pursuit.
5. You have bought or made a sword, bow or axe because of LotR.
6. You know how to use it.
7. You sometimes wear a cloak in public when it’s not Halloween.
8. You copied you hairstyle off one of the characters.
9. You have the soundtracks.
10. You make fun of anyone with less knowledge about LotR than you.
11. You speak Elvish.
12. You can recite the movies by heart.
13. You spend hours debating whether or not Balrogs have wings.
14. You correct anyone who mispronounces one of the character’s names.
15. You yell “Death!” with the Rohirric army whenever you watch RotK.
16. You know what LotR, FotR, TTT, and RotK stand for without thinking about it.
17. You compare everyone you know to LotR characters.
18. You have watched the commentaries on the Extended Editions.
19. You can quote them.
20. You have a huge crush on one of the characters.
21. You say “thank the Valar” instead of “thank God” (or the head of your religion, whoever that might be).
22. Your email address refers to something from LotR.
23. You can answer any question that someone asks you about LotR.
24. It take longer than 5 minutes.
25. You have a cardboard cut-out of one of the characters.
26. You have named your child/pet (or would, if you had one) after a LotR character.
27. You wear a One Ring replica on a chain around your neck.
28. You draw extensive parallels between the books and the movies.
29. You write fanfics based on LotR.
30. You read long list of ways you can tell you’re obsessed with LotR.

Like it? Review and give me your opinion! If you have an idea for another list you would like to see, tell me and I’ll try to write it!

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