Note: I own nothing in Lord of the Rings. I don’t own the characters, the places, anything at all. I am only a loyal fan!

Note: This is my second fanfic and I hope you all enjoy it.

A Day in the Marshes

“It’s been nearly three days and the scene hasn’t changed much, has it Mr. Frodo?” Sam said as he walked slowly behind his friend. They were in the Dead Marshes, as the creature Gollum had called them.

“You’re right Sam… but at least there are no orcs here.”

Gollum could be seen very far ahead, Sam and Frodo were too tired to speed up and they did not want to deal with him at the moment.

“Mr. Frodo, begging my pardon but do we still need to bring that Gollum along? After these marshes we should leave him… or let him go rather.” Frodo turned and glared at Sam. Frodo wasn’t always happy with Gollum either but it was not his fault he was the way he was. It was the ring that was doing it to him.

At first Frodo said nothing, he just stood there. His pants and his jacket dripped with water still as he had fallen in the water not long before. “I told you once before Sam that I’m not sending him away!” Sam lowered his eyes. Frodo has spoken to him like that before but it didn’t happen often and it always surprised him when it did.

“I’m sorry Sam… I… we just can’t do this without him. I know you don’t get along but that’s not the purpose of it. He’s here to be our guide and that’s what he’s doing. We don’t know the way to Mordor by ourselves Sam. If we did I wouldn’t have even brought him along.”

“Mr. Frodo sir, I still think you would have. I can tell you pity him…”

“Don’t tell me what I would or wouldn’t have done Sam! You know nothing of this or the powers of the ring! Who’s the one carrying it into the land of darkness Sam!? Who is wearing the one ring around their neck!? Me! Not you Sam, me!” Frodo turned sharply and started to walk, anger was rising in his heart.

“I’m the one helping you, aren’t I? Where would you be if I wasn’t here! It’s only because of me that Gollum hasn’t killed you in your sleep!”

Frodo turned once more, glaring at Sam. He walked up quickly to him and shook his head. “Don’t act like you’re the hero Sam, because you’re not…”

Sam lowered his head, hurt by Frodo’s words. “Heroes don’t turn on their friends Mr. Frodo.”

“You’re right, heroes don’t turn on their friends…”


The next day they passed through the marshes in silence. Frodo’s words still stung Sam’s heart whenever he replayed the moment over in his head. He knew somewhere in his heart that Frodo did not mean what he had said. It was the ring, it has begun to take over and there was nothing he could do.

As they stopped to rest Sam looked over at his friend. “Here…” he said, tossing a small piece of lembas bread to him. He knew that it could be spared as they still had plenty left.

Frodo said nothing but took the lembas gratefully. He was starving but he did not want to ask Sam to get him some food. Taking a bite he looked at Sam, who was looking at Gollum.

Gollum, at the moment, was searching for any food that he could eat but to Frodo and Sam it looked like he had found nothing yet.

“Do you think he wants any? I know he doesn’t like it but it’s something.”

“No Sam, I do not think he can eat this food, as good as it is.”

Sam smiled faintly, looking back at Frodo. He wanted to keep talking about something so Frodo would have to respond. “Do you know how long we have left to travel this land?”

Frodo shook his head. “I doubt that it should be long… at least I hope that it isn’t for I grow tired with each step that I take.”

“Why don’t you take some time to sleep right now Mr. Frodo?” Again Frodo shook his head. “No… I’m alright for now I suppose. Maybe you should sleep, you haven’t gotten much for the past couple of days.”

“No… I’m alright too Mr. Frodo.”

Silence again fell over them and Sam silently cursed at it. “Sam… I’m so sorry for how I spoke to you the other day. I meant nothing that was said… and you’re right, I do pity Gollum.”

“Don’t worry Mr. Frodo, I know what’s troubling you… and I’m sorry that I’m a burden to you as well.”

Frodo shook his head. “No Sam! You are no burden, only this ring. I… nothing is the same anymore Sam. I know you mean well when you speak but Gollum has done his job so far. I do not think that he will turn on us.”

“I hope you’re right Mr. Frodo… but if he ever should, I’ll be here to protect you.”

Frodo smiled warmly at his friend. “Thanks… hero.”

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