It was a beautiful summer’s day when Pippin heard a knock at the door.

“I’ll get it!” he called. Pippin ran to the front door and opened it. It was his 3 older sisters, Pearl, Pimpernel and Pervincia.

“Hey, squirt, where’s mom and dad?” asked Pearl.

“They’re upstairs getting ready,” said Pippin.

You see, the girls were taking their parents out of town for a bit and leaving Pippin here all alone. Just
then, Pippin’s parents, Enlantine and Paladin came down the stairs.

“Hi, mom and dad,” said the girls.

“Hi girls,” said Paladin. Eglantine walked over to Pippin and gave him a great big hug.

“I’ll see you in a couple of days,” said Eglantine.

“Oh, squirt, I totally forgot, I need you to look after Jess and at least ten of her friends whle we’re gone,” said Pervincia.

“Piece of cake,” said Pippin. So, Eglantine gave her son one last hug and they left.

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