Aragorn, son of Arathorn, snapped his crystal grey eyes open. The firm weight on his chest didn’t shift. It was an Elvish boot, he could tell, but scuffed and dirty, and the suppleness of the material had long worn off. He felt and saw the elven sword tip move under his chin.

“What is the meaning of this?” He asked in elvish.

The melodic words fell like rain upon the ears of his captor. It had been a long time since she had heard them uttered.

“I’ve come to warn you, Aragorn, son of Arathorn.” The words were spoken softly, surely.

“Who are you?” Aragorn asked, once again in elven.

The boot removed itself from his chest, and the point of her buckler scraped along his jaw line before returning to its scabbard. Aragorn stood before the Elvish maiden, surprised. Her pallid face showed no sign of fear. Her traditionally long brown hair was swept up into a fish bone braid, and it hung far below her brown and green tunic. The green eyes that stared at him fiercely were as clear as the stones in the three Elven rings.
“Who are you?” He repeated, his hand falling on Anduril, his sword.

“I am Levanna. And there is grave danger I have come to warn you of,” she replied.

“Levanna? What!?! It is thought that you are dead!” Aragorn stuttered, disbelieving.

“I have traits that prove me difficult to kill.””she said. The moonlight shining through the trees illuminated her face in a pretty fashion.

“What is this danger that you speak of?” Aragorn asked quickly. His eyes danced around the shadows, searching for the threat.

“You will be ambushed. I know not when, and I know not why. But soon. The orcs are not very kind to their prisoners. So be careful, you hold the heart of someone who’s love cannot be purchased.” She said gravely. She glanced at the green brooch that hung at his neck, then back up to his face. “Farewell. But I warn you yet again. Be careful, orcs and danger are very near in your future,” she said as she backed away into the shadows.

“Levanna! Wait! Come with me to Rivendell! Come home! Come back!”” he cried, wishing he had some how persuaded her to come with him to the house of Elrond.
* ~ *

Yes, I know it’s alittle short, but have patience! It’s really a sweet story.
Your author, Levanna Ellayne

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