April 6,3003
November 22,1989

Cornelius Fudge opened the trial with his usual sonorous statement.
“We are here to try Sirius Black, Baron of Trenton and Stafford. Master Gandalf, you may report.”
“Yes. In his sleep, on the night of October 16, the boy Harry Potter was taken to Gringotts Wizarding Bank by myself and cleansed of the horcrux inside his forehead. Afterwards, I took it upon myself to destroy the remaining Horcruxes. A diary Horcrux in the possession of Lord Lucius Malfoy, the Cup of Hufflepuff, the Diadem of Ravenclaw, the Ring of Slytherin, the Locket of Slytherin, and the snake called Nagini. Voldemort is now permanently dead. Even as I speak, his remaining Death Eaters are being rounded up.”
“We thank you for your service, Master Gandalf. Madam Bones, give Mr.Black some Veritaserum.”
A tall woman brought out a bottle of gold fluid. She placed some on Sirius’ tongue.
“Who are you?”
“Sirius Black, son of Lord Orion Black and Lady Walburga Black née Yaxley, younger sister of Death Eater Corban Yaxley.”
“What Hogwarts House were you in,and when did you attend?”
“Gryffindor. 1971 to 1978.”
“Were you a Death Eater?”
“No. I was from December 1977 on a member in good faith of the Order of the Phoenix.”
“Then who murdered 12 Muggles in broad daylight two days after the deaths of James and Lily Potter?”
“Peter Pettigrew. Where is he?”
Gandalf stood. “I pretended to kill him with Galenemïyen, my staff. Here he is now.”

The Veritaserum was administered to the prisoner. He confessed to, with the assistance of Dolores Umbridge, betraying the Potters to Lord Voldemort. He was found guilty and sentenced to life in Azkaban.

“Also, Lord Black, you may assume guardianship over Harry Potter. Be assured than the adoption procedure will be complete by Christmas at the latest. You will also receive 2,400,000 galleons as compensation for your imprisonment in Azkaban. Court is adjourned.”

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