In the gardens of Lorien he walked uncloaked,

To the Eldar’s eyes unseen.

His essence glimpsed in rings of smoke,

Or a sunlit glade seen shimmering.

Clad in rainment of Este’s grey,

A radiant flame thus concealed.

To the Eldar that remained,

Sent visions wonderfully revealed.

Olorin of the fountain, humble spirit of Iluvatar.

You are summoned to the mountain!

To the halls of Manwe upon Taniquetil!

Above the everlasting snow, near even unto Varda’s stars.

At Manwe’s bidding, and of free will.

He Sailed East across the sea.

To counter a Darkness coeval,

He diminished himself in mortality.

And suffered greatly, and was slain.

Yet steadfastly held his course.

Was healed, and sent back unstained,

And was strengthened in his choice.

He was numbered wisest of the Maiar.

Yet risked death for victory.

Of the five Istari one remained,

To sail West across the sea.

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