Chapter one: The Black Gate!
Opening scene: just after the battle at the black gate.

The triumphant army marched happily on their way back to Gondor. They had won! Sauron was dead at last. No more worry no more fear. THEY HAD WON!
Unknown to the soldiers below, a few Uruk-hai were still alive and gathering. Saruman was going to get back at them all. H’ed already sent troops to the Shire to take care of the Halflings. now he would handel the men.
Aragorn watched Legolas and Gimli argue good-naturedly about who had killed the most orcs.

He felt good.
The war was over and Gondor was liberated. But underneath his joy was a worry about Frodo and Sam. Were they alive? But before he had time to think about it more, Legolas rode up to him.
”Aragorn,nad no ennas,” ” something is out there.” he said looking out at the hills.
”What is it?” Aragorn asked, following the Elf’s gaze.
”I’m not sure,” Legolas addmitted. ” I only saw movement.”
”It’s probably nothing,” Gimli interrupted. ”Or maybe it’s an animal. But nothing serious.”
Legolas glared at Gimli. And, if looks could kill, the Dwarf would have expired right then and there.

Aragorn smiled, these two acted more like brothers than members of the totally opposite race. As Aragorn reflected on their first meeting, an arrow suddenly flew through the air, narrowly missing him.

Legolas saw the arrow whiz right by his friend’s shoulder, but soon realized that he was alright and whipped out his bow. Everyone tensed, waiting, watching, but nothing happened. Aragorn called two scouts to go foreward and see what had shot the arrow. Five minutes later, the scouts returned being drug by their hoses, full of arrows.
Saruman sat in his tent, giving orders to his Uruk-hai General.
”Kill the Elf and the leader first, they pose the most threat. But leave no survivors!”
Aragorn was berating himself for sending the scouts. When suddenly they were surrounded! Uruk-hai were everywhere, their ugly faces sneering. Gimli saw an archer lining up on Legolas and knocked him of of Arod. The arrow whipped by narrowly missing both of them. The Elf landed on his feet and began fireing as fast as possible. Aragorn called his men together, and charged!

All around Aragorn his men were falling, pierced by many arrows.

Gimli’s sweeping blow relieved another Uruk of it’s head, bringing his total of casualties up to 14. He shouted ot the number to his friend Legolas who shouted back, “18”.

Legolas repeatedly fired his arrows with deadly accuracy. He continually gave ground to have better range. He took one more step backwards and stopped. Falling off of a cliff would not help anyone.

The Dwarf continued to fight. Always raising his total, 18, 20, 23, 25, but always the Elf was ahead.

A sudden cry made Gimli turn around in surprise. That was no Uruk-hai, then he saw the voice’s owner, It was Legolas!

Legolas stared in horror and disbelief at the arrow protruding from his chest.

The Uruk saw his arrow pierce the Elf’s chest and smiled with grim satisfaction. He fitted another arrow to the string and prepared to fire.

Aragorn saw theUruk-hai pull his string back and looked for his target. Everything went into slow motion when he realized that Legolas was it.

Legolas raised his hand and saw blood covering it, his own blood. His breath was coming in quick gasps, and he could feel blood coming out of the corner of his mouth. But strangely he felt no pain. Legolas looked up and saw the Uruk-hai sighting him in. Then he saw Aragorn running towards the archer.

Gimli stood in shock for a moment, then started for his friend.

Aragorn swung his sword in a wide arc to cut off the Uruk’s head. But as Anduril connected with the archer’s neck he loosed his arrow.

Gimli watched in disbelief as another arrow buried itself in Legolas’ chest.

Legolas took a sharp breath, stepped backwards, and fell! Gimli ran as fast as he could….but he was too late. He grabbed thin air as he reached for his friend.

Aragorn saw a look of absolute disbelief on Legolas’ face, and then he was gone.

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