“I do not know why you all have agreed to go on a suicide mission,” said Elrond looking puzzled, “It could help us in our time of need.” “No! The ring is bad, very bad!” said Frodo jumping up. “We must use it!” said Boromir throwing down his chair and spitting on it. “No! The ring is bad, very bad!” “Then I will take it for my own,” mumbled Boromir reaching for the ring. Meanwhile Gandalf had been asleep, but something in his gut told him to wake up. He sprang up and shot little bolts of light everywhere while screaming black speech. “Aragorn, keeping his cool, took off his shades and said, “That ring is a wack dog, yo.” Legolas stayed in his cloak hiding from the fangirls. “Then we have but one choice,” said Elrond, “the ring must be evaporated.” Hearing this everyone sat back down in their chair, and acted like nothing happened. All except Gimli. He shot up and yelled, “And I suppose you are the one to do it?” “What? No,” said Elrond, “I have to… uh… stay, here… yah.” “I will be dead before I see the ring in the hands of an elf!” yelled Gimli throwing off Legolas’s cloak and pinning him down. Everyone cheered and applauded. “Was that good? I think I might of gone on a little strong there,” said Gimli rubbing his hands. “You did fine,” whispered Legolas putting the dwarf back. “One of you must destroy this ring,” said Elrond taking it on and off. “I will take it!” yelled Frodo. Then for no reason everyone got up and fought. “I will take it!” repeated Frodo. “Ok,” said Gandalf falling back asleep. Then Legolas and Gimli walked off talking about Gimli’s strong and weak points. Boromir pushed Frodo over, and ran away crying.

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