*I know, it’s kinda long, but read it — it’s worth it (in my opinion, at least lol).*

Beneath the trees of Imladris, Lord of the Dúnedain
Wandered in the sunset as twilight upon him came;
Full of hope he was that eve, of dreams and things to be,
Singing of Tinúviel, fairest Elven lady.

And then he saw before him there what he perceived to be a dream,
Lúthien Tinúviel, her raiment a shining moonbeam;
Her dark hair followed as she walked, straying in her mirth,
And upon her brow, accenting her beauty, were gems like stars on earth.

As she walked among the white birch trees, he halted thoroughly amazed,
And without a single care in the world at her Elven beauty he gazed;
Then afraid that she would flee from him and desperate not to lose that sight
He called to her: ‘Tinúviel!’ as Beren had one night.

She turned to him and asked that king: ‘Why do you call me this?’
And he replied: ‘If that is not your name, you walk in her likeness.’
For she was Arwen Evenstar, she neither waxed nor waned
And he was Aragorn son of Arathorn, Estel he had been named.

He had never heard of the Elven maiden, daughter of Elrond
For she had lived in Lorien, and would in years beyond;
The elven-light within her eyes shone with the wisdom of many days
Yet from that eve he would always love her, the light of his own eyes ablaze.

But the light of his eyes told of his love to Elrond of Rivendell
Who confronted him concerning that love with a voice that was not fell;
Yet he was stern and told him not to promise his heart away
For he had still to journey far and would be gone for many a day.

And Arwen was above him, her lineage the greater,
And when Elrond sailed across the sea she could not follow later;
She had to choose to stay or go, but not for many years,
Not till darkness had surrounded them and Middle-Earth was shedding tears.

So Aragorn travelled in the Northwest, fighting Sauron’s Shadow,
But once again he came to Lórien where flowers of gold were aglow;
There for the first time since their parting he met the Lady Arwen once more,
And they went together to Cerin Amroth, a place they would always adore.

Upon that hill they looked together toward the Shadow in the East,
But also they gazed at the Twilight in the West, to both Elf and Man’s eyes a feast;
Aragorn rejected the Shadow of hate yet to the Twilight he could not turn,
And if Arwen chose to stay with him for the Sea she would always yearn.

She would dearly miss her father, for her love of him was true,
Yet to Aragorn she said: ‘I bind myself to you;
The immortal life of my people, for you, I will forsake.
Dúnadan, though white gulls call, grey ship I will not take.’

After some days from the peace of Lothlórien Aragorn withdrew,
And went in search of Frodo, friend of one he knew;
In Imladris again he came upon his love,
He had missed her thoughtfulness, her eyes like sky above.

And there she gave to him a gift greater than any to give,
A promise renewed in a gem like a star that with him she would live;
She asked: ‘Do you remember words I said; the promise I made to you?’
He said: ‘You would bind yourself to me.’ And to that she would hold true.

At the Council of Elrond much was decided: Aragorn with a company would leave,
And he told fair Arwen that he would not return though to him she said she’d cleave;
He held the white gem of her love out to her and her eyes to his did lift,
Then she closed his hand around it and said: ‘Keep it. It was a gift.’

The silver chain dangled from his hand yet the gem was in his palm,
And as Arwen turned and walked away he put the necklace on;
To him it was only a reminder of her, for he doubted that again they would meet,
Then Aragorn departed knowing that the West is what her elf-heart would seek.

He travelled far and with great friends, to destroy the evil Ring,
Through snow and wind and into dark, till they came to where Elves sing;
Yet they could not linger and so journeyed on and soon their fears were woken,
For on that shore of the Anduin, their fellowship was broken.

Aragorn’s path was not to Mordor though with the ring-bearer he would have gone,
But instead he needed to fight for Men who would soon see a lightless dawn;
He knew his path but questioned it, fearing that his people he would disappoint,
Yet continued on in hopes that to Frodo Sauron’s attention would not point.

Arwen’s path had also been laid right before her feet,
And she also doubted, clinging to hope that her love again she would meet;
She began her journey west with her kin to the shore where grey ships they would board,
Thinking always of her Aragorn, for on his love she soared.

She saw a vison of a child dashing across their path through the trees,
Then suddenly he was in Aragorn’s arms, who had lifted him with ease;
The child then turned and smiled at her, and her eyes brightened like stars above,
For he wore the white gem that she had given to Aragorn with promise of hope and love.

It renewed her hope and without a thought she rushed home to her father,
And demanded that he tell again what he foresaw of the life of his daughter;
‘I saw only death,’ he told her just as he had already done.
‘But there was also life,’ she cried to him, then said: ‘You saw my son.’

He knew that truth yet also knew that if she stayed there she would die,
So he wanted her to forget her hope, yet mortality was in her eyes;
Her choice was made, and made for a love he knew she would not elsewhere find,
Yet to the death that spread over Middle Earth Elrond was not blind.

He had to help save Middle Earth, so when she requested he remake the sword,
He sadly complied yet decided that he would himself deliver it to the lord;
To the one who was king yet had not known it for years after he was born,
Elendil’s heir who could claim the sword, whose name was Aragorn.

So Elrond travelled to Théoden’s hopeless camp, arriving before the dawn,
Awakening Aragorn to deliver a message, renewing hope that was gone;
For Aragorn feared that he was weak, weak as his ancestor Isildur,
‘Become who you were born to be,’ demanded Elrond who knew he was more.

With hope Aragorn took the shining sword that Elrond handed him,
The sword of Elendil that had been remade so this fight against Sauron they would win;
He was advised by Elrond to ask for allegiance from those in the mountain deep,
Those who would answer only to Aragorn and scared other men from their sleep.

Faithful companions Legolas and Gimli followed Aragorn into the cave,
To demand that those cursed for the betrayal of Gondor would now show they were brave;
Seeing the sword they realized that Aragorn was heir to the throne of the West,
And broke their curse by helping the king who put their trust to the test.

The fate of Gondor was no longer dark, for many brave soldiers fought,
So the white city could remain a place of hope and hospitality no one forgot;
But the Ring had yet to be destroyed and because the eye of Sauron was watchful,
They formed a plan to distract the eye so Frodo’s duty he could fulfill.

Fighting courageously at the gates of Mordor the men of the West had hope,
And renewed strength from Aragorn though they seemed to dangle from rope;
The Ring was destroyed after perilous journeys because of the dedication
Of the members of the fellowship who fought bravely to their quest’s completion.

On the wings of the eagles Frodo and his gardener were brought to rest
In the white city, home of the victorious Men of the West;
Here the company celebrated much, feeling safe after many days,
Glad that they brought freedom and peace to their home in many ways.

Finally Aragorn’s coronation took place and the kingdom was filled with happiness,
For the love of their King and his loyalty to them and that he had not been hopeless;
Aragorn was very pleased but still he missed his Arwen as he should,
For he knew that she was not returning so miss her he always would.

Faithful Legolas just smiled at his friend and tilted his head to his right
and over the Elf’s shoulder Aragorn peered and saw his Lady in white;
Stepping forward, she looked into his eyes, so happy they thought it was a dream,
Yet knew it was real when they kissed and were married, making her his Queen.

And soon Arwen gave birth to a child, a strong and healthy boy,
So the hearts of both the King and Queen were completely filled with joy;
Full of hope they were that eve, of dreams and things to be,
Naming their child Eldarion, and always loving faithfully.

*Comments would be greatly appreciated!*

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