Disclaimer: I don’t own J.R.R. Tolkien or his magnificent works of art. I also do not own Merry or Pippin.

Reviews: Would be better than chocolate…

Merry’s POV

Pippin, we’ve been friends for a long time,
Sharing thoughts and memories,
Playing pranks, and cracking jokes

Helping Frodo destroy the Ring,
At least…going part of the way
And helping arouse the Ents

And you looking in the Palantír
To let Gandalf know what was coming
Which ended up separating us for a while

Helping protect Minas Tirith from Sauron
You with Gondor, me with Rohan
And you saving me from death

And seeing the Shire once more, after Frodo destroyed the Ring
Watching Sam and Rosie get married,
And watching Frodo sail away

And we each married, and you had a child,
And you named it after Faramir
But after a bit we got tired of the Shire

And went back to Gondor, to be with Aragorn
We are here now, and you lie still as I tell you this,
Not smiling, not laughing, just lying still

I shake you, and you do not move
“Pippin?” I ask. You do not answer.
I realize now, that you are gone

From this world forever
Will I see you again when I die?
For even now I am weakening

I lie back down upon my bed
And think of days gone by
And smile as I remember our younger days of fun.

And as I close my eyes forever
It is your face that I see

The End

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