Author(s): Cee
Rating: R
Disclaimer: I do not own any recognizable characters from Lord of the Rings, or any other of Tolkien’s work. Characters from Nienna are borrowed with permission from Tammy, all other original characters come straight from the depths of my imagination and as such I ask you do not use them without permission.

Pairing: OMC(Varyar)/OFC
Beta(s): Tammy
Feedback: Love it, thrive on it. It’s the only payment I receive for these.
Archiving: Only with the Author’s permission
Summary: Set before the events of Nienna, Varyar is preparing to assume the role of Harbor Master from his mentor Maratar. On a trip to the mainland he meets the mortal woman, Alamathea.

Chapter 1
The End of an Era

Varyar stood on the white sandy beaches of Cirana’s shore. The sky was ablaze with a radiant sunset of purple gold and red, the moon already visible, a hazy wisp, as though it was transparent. The waves crashed hypnotically as they made contact with the cliffs to the south of where he stood. Rushing forward to embrace the rocky precipice and then retreating, the waves often reminded Varyar of the clumsy embraces of elfings just becoming aware that there were benefits to the differences between male and female. He sighed content, as he watched the sunset deepen into darker purples and eventually the ebony darkness of night. The sounds of gulls were replaced by the intoxicating calls of the night birds. The day had come to a close and with it an era of Cirana, and, Varyar felt, his childhood.

Today his mentor, and the current Harbor Master, Maratar, had announced his imminent retirement, as well as who would be succeeding him in his duties. Although he had known in advance who this would be, it still sent a thrill of surprise and satisfaction through the young Harbor Warden as he recalled the sound of his name, followed by the words, “will be assuming the role of Harbor Master.” It was no secret that Varyar had long wished to be considered for this position, but wishes and reality very often had little to do with one another.

Varyar smiled, feeling quite satisfied with himself. He did not want to seem arrogant, but he felt that his years of hard work and extreme effort were finally paying off. In just a matter of weeks, he would be Harbor Master of Cirana.

“I thought I would find you here.” Varyar turned to face the person from which the statement had issued.

Nienna picked her way carefully down to where he stood. Her skirts held delicately in her pale hands. The ebony haired princess of Cirana, a creature of legendary beauty, it was rare that she showed her true warmth and playfulness, but Varyar was one of the few who could say they truly knew her.

“Strange to think that my childhood friend shall soon be Harbor Master of this island.” She smiled, coming to stand at his side and gaze across the ever churning expanse of ocean. “Your father would be proud.”

Varyar smiled again as he looked away from Nienna’s face and back over the waters. “I wish he were here to see it.”

“He will see.” Nienna didn’t look away from the water.

Varyar sighed deeply, lingering for a moment in silence. A soft wind bristled up from the sea, carrying with it the ever familiar salty scent, the birds’ songs seemed to intensify. They stood for several more minutes enjoying the sounds of their island home. Then turning from the ocean Varyar spoke. “I am to leave in the morning. Maratar would like me to go to the mainland with him as warden one last time. He feels it would be best for my dealings with the humans, if we were to make the effort of telling them of my change in title, face to face.” He paused and smiled. “I think also that he would like me to be there to help make arrangements for the promotional ceremony. He has never been one to enjoy the planning of a celebration, or for the glamor of state events. To be honest, I think he dreads even entering the palace ballroom.”

Varyar knew his old mentor had very little use for courtly functions. They were “full of fluttering nobles, and courtly banter” as Maratar was so fond of saying. He was much more comfortable in the heat of battle with a good sword, and a hearty drink afterward.

Nienna chuckled. “Thankfully, he has you to rescue him from such torture.”

For a moment she was silent, the sounds of the night filling the air between the two. Then, turning to Varyar with a puzzled look, “Why are you going to the mainland for supplies, surely Cirana can provide all that is needed?”

Varyar shrugged. “Actually, it is for the informal celebration. I feel Maratar deserves the best when we toast his retirement. You will come won’t you? I know he has always been fond of you, Nienna.”

“Of course, I will be there.” Nienna wrapped a hand around Varyar’s arm. “You do not think I would pass up the best part of the evening do you?”

Varyar pulled the elleth closer, hugging her with one arm, each smiling affectionately, before turning from the sea and heading up the path that led to the glistening towers of Cirana’s palace. Behind them, far on the mainland, tiny fires could be seen springing to life, as the inhabitants prepared themselves for the night.

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