Account of Sir Accalium, son of Accaliu

I am Accalium, one of the many knights of Arnor, and exiles of Numenor. I gripped my sword Nari, of the Exiled realms of Numenor, Elendil. Very tall he was as he passed around the host.
We finally reached through to plains near the Dead Marshes. Then we arrayed our forces of many thousands coming near. Then our host stopped and we saw that the Dark Lord, Sauron has now sent his countless, foul Orcs against us. The Elven host was ahead of us as we stopped and the herald of the Elves, Elrond Half-Elven yelled in elven tongue. Then hundreds of bows twanged, and the front line of Sauron’s forces fell. Then the fair swords of the Elves chilled with blue flame and the orcs then fell again at once in a line, the Elven swordsmen slashed his sword upward.

Then our host stood as a rock against the swirling black host. I then saw that the orcs broke the front line and I then ran forward and hewed an Orc’s head. The black blood began to squirt down onto the ground and then another host came out of the Morannon, the Black Gate.

The Easterlings now were running with speed among the Elves. The Elves took notice and fired their keen arrows upon the Swarthy Men. I remembered in the lore of Arnor and of Numenor of the Swarthy Men who betrayed the Elves of Bereliand to Morgoth the Dark Enemy. Then the Orcs who were held back, finally rushed with renewed numbers and pushed our host back. I ran to Isildur, Elendil’s heir and saw that his face was grim, as the Orcs finally broken through the front line again and he cried and raised his sword to defy them.

“To me! Let no darkness come hither to our lands!”

Isildur then led hundreds of Men and Elves with him, Men who dwelt in the Northern kingdom of Arnor, and with him came Anarion, his younger brother and with him the many men of the fiefs of Lebinnin, Lamedon, and Befalas, and then ran up to meet the charged Orcish host back to the main host. Then I ran with the thousands of Men and Elves who ran in anger and broke straight through the frontlines of the Enemy and kept slaying and hewing every orc and Swarthy Men in our pathway to Morannon.

Then a large jeer and the hosts of Mordor had an evil glint in their eyes as the Black Gate opened and a large host of Orcs and Swarthy Men came running. I then saw the faces of the Orcs, and the horrible faces of the Orcs and Swarthy Men. Then the Elven King of Greenwood the Great came and with him came hundreds of Elves in green clad clothing came and kept firing off arrows at any orcs that loomed in the distance. Then at night, but the Eastern sky was always dark and evil, by the power of Sauron. The Orcish host began to give way and we crossed the way into Morannon, to contest with the power of Sauron. Many have been wounded but the lords of Gondor and Arnor, and of the High Elves were unscathed and were moving grimly through the Black Gate.

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