Disclaimer: No characters of it’s mine. *cries*

Summary: “I choose a mortal life.”Short story. Elrond’s POV.

Choice of Paths

“I choose a mortal life.”

My twin, my brother, turned to face me. “You have always been my brother and you always will be, Elrond. Nothing can change that, no matter what paths we may choose.”

Tears filled the brim of my eyes, but I looked up into his eyes. “I can’t bear to have you leave, Elros. You just can’t…”

He raised his hand to touch my face as he looked deep into my eyes as I did, “I’ll never leave you. I’ll always be here, even if it may seem I am gone.” He brought his hand to my chest, “I’ll be here, forever, as long as you remember me.”

“I’ll always remember you, my brother…”

I look now, to face my daughter… Arwen. Those words burned into my mind once more, as they did so long ago. I couldn’t bear it. I couldn’t bear to lose my daughter…

I thought bitterly as I took in her words. She had chosen a mortal life, she had chosen death.

But I knew the day would come. From the day I saw Estel look into her eyes as did hers, I knew this day would come… yet I did not.

I looked into her eyes and I knew her will, her heart.

Yes, there was death, but there was also… life. A child. A child I had seen. Heir of his son and his daughter. A smile threatened to fall on my lips as I thought those words.

I let a single tear fall as I pulled my daughter into my embrace. I would give her to Estel, to whom she had given her heart. No words were spoken… but she knew.


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