I see you friend, and something more
There’s something in your eyes
Something that wasn’t there before
A darkness
A closedness
As if you try to hide from me your mind
Your eyes gleam with animalic hunger
A lustful, urgent need is there
It’s not you
You’re not the friend I’ve come to know
Though you speak using his mouth
The words are not his own
Something else speaks though you
A disquiet in your very soul
For the power you were want to seize
Has seized you
You would kill me
Without a glance
Without a chance
To think
It has taken you
Power corrupts
It’s always true
Though you truly mean to wield it
In the end, it’s wielding you
I regret that you have fallen
For those who fall will surely die
And though you’ve turned against me
For your shattered soul I cry

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