Death, if only you would take me
My deepest wish is to leave this gray, barren land that saddens me
All I see is fire, all I hear is a deep voice, all I smell is ash
Let the rocks claim me, let the lava burn me

Nothing is left
Take me from this horrible life I pathetically lead, take me, Death
My body is broken, my heart is spent on hatred
The flames have consumed me

What is left in me for the Ring to burn? What is left to destroy?
My soul has been mercilessly robbed of me
Even worse than Death is hanging over the edge
So, Death, take me

I do not wish to be held prisoner to life, I only ask for Death
Is it too much to ask? Is there something worth living for?
My life has been spent, there is no purpose in living.
What is one more body in your arms?

I cannot recall food, water, sun, grass, or flowers
All I can remember is rock and fire, nothing else
The Shire will not miss me, I am worth nothing.
I plea with you, take me

I realize that I should not live to see the light of day, nor a rock in the river
I realize that I shall never hear the rush of water, nor the laughter of children
I realize that I will never smell flowers, taste food, or feel the rain
But these things don’t matter right now

As my finger bleeds, what little is left of hope or decency flows out with blood
There is nothing between me and the wheel of fire
The flames have burned my mind, my body, my heart
What is left of me?

I am fading, my life is withering
Pick up the shards and threads, and stitch them together for a life in your realm
I am wasted, the world will fall to Sauron’s will on behalf of myself
It will be my fault

I can see humans, hobbits, wizards, elves, and dwarves, all shackled
I can see flames consuming the houses and crops, the people will live in poverty and starvation
I can see Sauron with the ring in his grasp, and the world falling to his will
He will rule over all, not stopping for anything.

So, take me, Death
My life is over, there is nothing to live for
The world is wasted, so are my attempts at saving it
I beg for your assurance of eternal life. It is Death.

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