Late at night Frodo is sleeping but Sam and Gollum are awake. “I’m not going asleep until I know I can trust you.” says Sam. “Why do you think Gollum bad? We’s just like to dance around at night! Is there anythings wrong with us? ” replies Gollum. “Yes, first of all you want the ring and second of all because you might try to kill us.” “Why, precious, do you think we’s bad?” “Because the ring has control on you and you will do anything to get it!” says Sam very annoyed of these stupid qustions. Then Sam turns his head because he hears Frodo moving around.
“Poor Mr. Frodo! He always gets nightmares now a days!” “Why, do you’s thinking that? What if he’s having dreams abouts fish and raw rabbites?” asks Gollum. ” Mr. Frodo doesn’t like that horrible type of food. I think that is because of the ring!” says Sam in an angry voice. “No, No, precious. The ring is good! It is very good to us!” “No, it’s not good for you, or for anyone else! I’m mean look at you, always searching for it talking about like a mother to her baby!” “Not listening! It’s not ture!” shrieked Gollum. Sam quickly puts his hand around Gollum’s mouth and looks over at Frodo. “What do you think your doing shouting in the middle of the night! Are you trying to wake poor Mr. Frodo up! You don’t know what he’s been through! Or maybe you do but it’s been to long for you to remember!”
“We’s thinks that yous want Master to suffer!” “No, I think you do!” “Whys?” “Because, you want the ring to live on and destroy more people’s lives!” “No, yous got it wrong. The precious is good yous a doing bad by destroying it!” said Gollum coldly.
“Wait.” said Sam suddenly. “Didn’t you say you like to dance around at night?” “Yes! Does that fat hobbites like to do that too?” asked Gollum happily “Of course I do! That is always the best thing to do after a long day! Hey, Gollum would you like to dance together now?” “Sures, we’s would like to do’s that!”
So they danced around in cricles so happy that they didn’t notice Frodo waking up with a confused face. Nor did they relalize that the Fellowship had wandered over there, because they followed a Ringwraith to there campsite. It wasn’t until Frodo got captured by the Ringwraith that they snapped out of it but they were so dizzy all they could do is fall down.

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