Author’s note; Hi all ! This little rhyme is about Elrond and the many roles he has
played during his time in Middle-earth. Hope you like it !


A loyal herald, to a slaughtered King
You bore his banner, now you wear his ring.

A fierce warrior, unafraid to fight
You battle Shadow with all your might.

A twin to a brother he’ll not see again
For Elros chose to be counted among men.

A devoted husband, but now alone
No more her laughter fills your home.

A loving father, a bitter-sweet chore
For your eyes shall behold Undómiel no more.

A gracious Lord and host indeed
Imladris a haven to those in need.

A skilfull healer and lover of lore
We shall never see his like once more.

For an elf after all must follow his heart
The Eldar are leaving, he too shall depart.

He crosses the sea to hold her again
We must now look for greatness in the world of Men.

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