“Estel, please be careful… You do recall what happened last time you went out on your own?” Lord Elrond was scolding a young Estel for wanting to go out on his own again.
“Ada, believe me, if I had any desire what so ever to get into any trouble, I would be bringing Elladan and Elrohir with me.” Said the young man eagerly. He was still so young of face, yet he had a sense of integrity that was more than his twin brothers put together.

“Alright, just promise me you will not try to act the hero for any young elf maidens again, alright?” Elrond said again, chuckling at the memory.

Aragorn remembered it well, although he wished that it could be wiped from the face of Middle Earth forever. It had been years ago, he stepped twenty feet out of Imladris and saw an enchantingly beautiful elf maiden staring into a puddle that blocked her way. Aragorn thinking he could be a gentile man politely asked her if he could carry her over the muddy mess. She agreed and was very much obliged to his offer. He took one step into it and felt his foot sink into the sludge. He thought he could pull out of it, but no, he came tumbling down… So in the end the elf maiden got muddy anyway… More than she may have before perhaps, but at least he tried.

“I am trying to forget about that.” He said his cheeks flushed. “I am only jesting, my son.” Elrond said again. “Go now and bring me back a prize from this hunt.” He said again embracing his mortal son. With that Estel set out.

His thoughts wondered to that of the story his mother had told him when he was very small. The lay of Luthien. His voice rang out as clear and pure as any elf. He was in the midst of the enrapturing forest of Imladris. He felt the hair on the back of his neck prick as he finished the final note of his song. He looked to the side, and saw a figure through the thick, darkening trees. He carefully, and quietly he drew his bow, aimed and fired. He knew the figure to be of Elvish decent simply because the way it avoided his attack. He looked still closer and felt a feeling he had never felt inside his heart before, it was warmth… It was a woman, a woman who glowed like the full moon on a dark starry night. He approached slowly and silently. Trying to glimpse the she- elf without frightening her.

“My lady, are you lost, I can guide you to the fair city of Imladris.” Aragorn said stepping ever closer to the raven haired beauty.

He saw her eyes, they were full of light, so blue they were, and so bright. They seemed to pull him towards them. From this moment on onward Aragorn Elessar loved Elrond’s daughter Arwen Undomiel.

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