Friends never say goodbye
Disclaimer: I own nothing(sadly) that in Lord of the Rings or was written by J.R.R.Tolkien.

Aragorn looked around him. He was coming back from a trip to Mirkwood with his friend, Legolas. They were now heading to Rivendell to catch up with Gandalf and see how the hunt for Gollum was going. The vile creature new where the Ring was and Gandalf needed that information.
“What do you think Gandalf wants to tell us?” Legolas said, breaking into Aragorn’s thoughts. “He seemed very insistent that this was important enough to cut our visit short.”
“I’m sure it’s very important.” Aragorn replied, not sure whether to laugh or frown at the expression on his friends face. Legolas was very grumpy at having to cut the time with his family short. He always loved being with his brothers, Remnul and Cyro.
“He could have come to Mirkwood.” Legolas grumbled. At this Aragorn burst out laughing.
“And travel two more days? You know how much he hates riding!”
“So he would rather inconvenience us?”
Legolas huffed “So much for the courtesy of the Wizards!”
Suddenly he stopped and cocked his head as though listening for something. Aragorn paused as well. He heard nothing. This was what put him on edge. Usually you could hear animals chirping and elves laughing in the distance. But now there was nothing. Aragorn looked at his friend worriedly, waiting for him to say something When he did, it chilled him to the core.

A/N: I’ll update this as soon as I know people like it so you people better get your little fingers typing some feedback!

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