[b]Frodo’s Journey[/b]

The green of the Shire
Is my home
There I live
My carefree life
I am truly happy
But what is this ring
I am chosen to bear?
A trinket of my uncle’s
Keep it secret
Keep it safe
Is what I am instructed
But I would never think
To let it come to harm
The doom of the world
In the form of gold
The fiery letters
Whisper to me
Every time I wear it
The tendrils twine tighter
Until I can hardly breathe
I hate the foul feel of it
But I can’t let it go
So I will take it to Mordor
Without knowing the way
I must finish this quest
But will I be able
To do my duty?
The Mountain of Doom
Spits fiery contempt
Daring me to drop
The band of gold I hold
It should be so simple
Why is it so hard?
I won’t destroy it
I will keep it forever
I had hoped that I could trust
One who was so like myself
But he took my finger
And my precious
As he died
The taste of freedom
Is too much pain
I want to die
But my friend doesn’t let me
To the Grey Havens I go
With Gandalf the White
And for the first time
Since I set eyes on the Ring
I am happy.

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