All that is gold does not glitter.
We all have heard the tale.
And where once thought was shelter,
Evil may prevail.

Dreams, deadly dreams.
Come through illness to one.
Are they really dreams?
Or a vision of yet to come?

When things begin to happen
Can it possibly end with good?
When things begin to happen
Nothing goes as it should…
-Melime (SheElf33)

Galad a Dúath (Light and Shadow)

“…The Darkness has begun. There will be no dawn.”

Aragorn paced uneasily. Legolas should have arrived at Rivendell by now. He was suppose to arrive yesterday, but here it was, afternoon of the next day with no sign of him. Elrohir was sitting in a chair, his feet kicked up on a table and watching Aragorn with mild amusement.
“Ada won’t be very happy when he finds out you have worn a hole in the floor, Estel.”
Aragorn stalled his pacing for a brief moment to glare at his brother.
“Nor will he be happy when he finds out you have your feet up on the table again. People eat off of that you know,” Aragorn countered before he was once again lost in his thoughts and his pacing. Elrohir rolled his eyes and eased his legs down.
“There. Happy?”
“No,” Aragorn said shortly. He looked out the window for, what seemed like to Elrohir, the thousandth time the past hour.
“Estel, you know Legolas’ father. He has probably kept Legolas busy to keep him away from you.”
Aragorn shook his head slowly and glanced out the window again. “No, I don’t think that is it. Legolas would have left anyway, or at least sent word. Something doesn’t feel right.”
The two were quiet for a long while before Elrohir stood up and walked over to Aragorn and placed a hand on his shoulder.
“It if will keep you from driving a hole into the floor, we can go look for him. I can go see if Elladan will help us as well.”
Elrohir didn’t want to admit it, but he too felt weary. As Aragorn had said, something didn’t feel right. Aragorn looked up at Elrohir and smiled faintly as he nodded.
“Thanks ‘Ro. I’ll get the horses ready, you go find Elladan.”
Elrohir nodded and walked off quickly, knowing just where to find his twin. Aragorn followed close behind, but he turned a different direction shortly after, headed towards the stables. It was not long before Elladan and Elrohir met Aragorn in the stables. Aragorn already had the horses ready and was waiting impatiently by the entranceway into Rivendell. As he saw the twins, he quickly handed the reigns over to them and, in one fluid motion, mounted his horse. Without a word, he rode ahead and was off down the trail. The twins glanced at each other momentarily before they took off after Aragorn, their horses traveling in almost perfect unison. They met up with him again before long at a fork in the trail. There were two separate paths; one headed east and the other heading south. They all knew Legolas could come from either one. It simply depended upon whether or not he had wanted to pass over the mountains or not. Elladan and Elrohir did not have to wait long before Aragorn turned back to face them.
“You two go down the south path. I’ll take the east. Call if you find anything.”
The twins nodded, but as Elrohir began off down the path, Elladan stayed behind.
“Estel, are you sure you are not overreacting? Legolas has been late before and you haven’t reacted thus. Are you sure something didn’t simply come up and the message has not yet arrived?”
Aragorn shook his head. “I know, Elladan. I may be overreacting, I hope I am, but something doesn’t feel right.”
Elladan nodded slowly and turned his horse down the trail, following Elrohir. Aragorn watched for only a brief moment before turning down the opposite trail and urging his horse to a quick lope.
With each turn in the trail, he hoped to see Legolas there, simply running late due to duties at him; but with each turn, he found nothing but disappointment. There was no sign anyone had been through there for a long time. He slowed his mount to a walk as he looked around carefully. Absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. His horse suddenly broke the quiet of the forest by releasing a soft whinny. Aragorn jumped in surprise, not expecting it. He patted her neck, but was once again surprised when there was an answer. He pulled his horse to a stop and listened. He heard it again, and he knew from past experience that it was Legolas’ horse. He smiled and shook his head, mentally chiding himself for getting so worked up. As Elladan and Elrohir said, Legolas was simply late. He waited for Legolas to appear around the bend, but as time passed, Aragorn began to wonder. Had he been imagining it? His brows creased in confusion and he urged his mare forward at a trot. As he turned around the curve in the path, he saw Legolas’ horse. The gray stallion was standing alone. Aragorn quickly dismounted his horse and walked over. The horse snorted and tossed his head, pawing at the ground fiercely, however, Aragorn only slowed his advance.
“Easy, Mahtar. Easy.”
As he drew closer, he froze in his tracks. A trail of crimson blood was on the opposite side of Legolas’ stallion, and lying in a heap on the ground, was Legolas. Aragorn’s eyes widened and he rushed over to Legolas, gently easing his friend on his back. The elf was still breathing, but faintly, and he was unconscious. Aragorn quickly scanned Legolas, noting his injuries. The only injury he could see was Legolas’ leg, and that was a gruesome one. Whatever had attacked the elf had taken a direct hid and had a considerable sharp bite.
Aragorn called out as loudly as he could. It was not long before he heard the gentle thudding of hooves rushing towards him. He took that as the assumption that they had heard him, so he did not call out again. He stood and was just picking Legolas up when Elladan and Elrohir broke through the foliage.
“What happened?” Elladan asked as he quickly dismounted to help Aragorn. Elrohir, wondering the same thing, glanced at Aragorn. Aragorn shrugged.
“I just found him. Let us hope it is not too late. He has lost a lot of blood.”
Aragorn mounted his horse before Elladan helped ease Legolas in front of him.
“I am going ahead of you to warn Ada.” Without waiting for a word otherwise, Elrohir bolted ahead and took off down the path towards Rivendell. Elladan mounted his horse and glanced over to Aragorn.
“We need to take it slow. We can’t risk him loosing any more blood.”
Though Aragorn wanted to protest, he did not. He urged his mare forward at a slow lope. Elladan followed behind, leading Mahtar as well. It was not too long before they arrived in Imladris, where a group of elves were awaiting them, including Lord Elrond. Elladan dismounted and helped Aragorn lower Legolas down. Quickly, they whisked Legolas into the healing chambers. Once Aragorn dismounted, he glanced at Elladan, whom smiled faintly.
“Go on. They will need your help. I will see to your horse.”
Aragorn nodded in silent thanks before he hurried after the group.

We all live
We all die
That does not begin to justify you

It’s not what it seems
Not what you think
No I must be dreaming
It’s only in my mind
Not in real life
No I must be dreaming

Legolas groaned in agony as he began to awaken. He heard voices, all loud and shouting, though in reality, they were not. His leg felt as if it had been ripped to shreds. Where was he? He slowly opened his eyes, but to his horror, he saw nothing. It was as black as it had been with his eyes closed.
“Legolas?” a voice suddenly said. It was even louder than the rest, causing Legolas to wince.
“Legolas, it is Aragorn. What happened?”
Legolas groaned again, but did not answer. He blinked a few times, trying desperately to see Aragorn, just to be sure he was there.
“Legolas, can you hear me?”
“Poison…” Legolas choked out suddenly. The voices he had heard stalled a moment, listening to him. The voices he had heard were the healers as they worked on him. Nothing they were trying had been working. With hope, they could find out what happened so they could heal him properly. “Nanddal… snake…” Legolas’ voice cut off and he shuddered suddenly before his eyes closed and his head dipped to the side.
Aragorn sighed as he got no response. The healers, however, were looking at each other, wide eyed.
“What is it?”
Lord Elrond stepped forward, examining the wound again.
“Now I know what must be done. Aragorn, it would be best if you left for now. Everyone else as well. But send Arwen in. I will need her help.”
Elrohir grasped Aragorn’s shoulders before he could protest and quickly led him out of the room. The other healers soon followed. Elrond sighed and shook his head slowly. How could it be? He slowly walked towards Legolas’ leg and began to only treatment he knew for such a thing.


Legolas looked over Rivendell. Or rather what was left of it. Smoke bellowed from what was once one of the great towers. The waterfall that was once a source of crystal clear water now ran black. He took a few steps forward. Bodies. There were bodies everywhere. The bodies of elves. Immediately, he reached up for his bow, only to find it gone. He never traveled without his weapons. Where were they? He hurriedly rushed over the bodies. Scanning them and hoping against all odds that he would not see a familiar face. No one was. He could find no trace of Aragorn, Elladan, Elrohir, or Lord Elrond. He was worried, but at the same time, he was relieved. Maybe they got away…

He blinked as light returned. Everything had gone black for a moment. Where was he now? He did not recognize the place. It was a wide clearing, circular is shape and surrounded by trees. He was standing on top a hill, overlooking a battle. He had his weapons again. As he looked among the battle, he saw it was orcs. There were thirty or so of them and whomever they were fighting, they were winning. A scream pierced the air. He had heard that scream before. Arwen. He turned in the direction it had come from. It was coming opposite of the battle. He turned and almost took off in the direction of Arwen when he stalled. He looked back to the battle. For the first time, he caught a glance of the one fighting the orcs. Aragorn. Not giving a second though, he raced down the hill to aid his friend, drawing his knives as he did. A sudden gasp turned his attention to his friend. He watched in horror as the orc drew his sword back out of the man’s chest. Aragorn looked at him, his eyes filled with sorrow and pain. All directed at him. He could hear Aragorn’s voice in his head. Why did you stall? Now it is too late, Legolas… Aragorn dropped to the ground. Blinded with rage, Legolas leapt forward, fighting with his knives in a deadly fury. His eyes blurred with tears as he fought for revenge of his fallen friend. He heard Arwen’s scream pierce the air again, followed by a loud crash. The crash, however, seemed to be right next to him. He turned to face the source, but as he did, pain exploded across his stomach. He glanced down just as the orc was drawing his sword back. The pain drove him immediately to his knees. He could hear the orcs mocking him, but it did not last long. “Hold on, Arwen! We’re coming!” he heard. It was Elladan. Just as he was about to fight back, the hilt of its sword was brought down upon his head and all went black…

Legolas slowly opened his eyes as he began to come to again. He was someplace dark. He knew immediately that it was a cell of some sort. He slowly stood. Oddly enough, he felt no pain. He looked carefully around the small room he was locked in before something caught his eye. Someone was chained to the wall just feet away from him. He took a few steps forward and knelt down beside the figure, only to step back again in shock. It was Aragorn! He reached up to the metal clamps that chained Aragorn to the wall, preparing to undo them, but his hand passed right through. What? He tried again, but to no avail. Dejected, he stood again. In doing so, he recognized a separate figure in the same condition, opposite of Aragorn. He was looking at himself. As he glanced between Aragorn and himself, he realized they were both in similar conditions. Neither bared the strength to talk to each other, nor the strength to even look over. It took all the strength they had to simply keep breathing. A loud bang brought him back to reality. Before him, Aragorn stirred slightly. Another bang followed, closer and louder this time. The Legolas he was looking at shuddered. “Not again” Aragorn moaned. “I don’t think I can take too much more.” The image of himself glanced up weakly. “Don’t say that. We will survive this. I am so sorry, mellon nin. This is all my fault. Should I have not stalled, we would not be here.” “I know, Legolas.” He turned as he heard the door to the cell slowly opening, then all went black…

The sudden bright light nearly blinded him. It took him a moment to realize where he was. He was in Gondor. How in Middle Earth had he made it to Gondor? He was about to say something when he heard soft lamenting coming from his left. He turned, to see a large group of people gathered around a small group of soldiers. The soldiers were carrying a large casket, one fit for a king. A king? Legolas hurried forward and joined the group. The soldiers were leading the casket into the Tomb of Kings. “Lord Legolas. I am glad you have come,” a voice said suddenly. He turned to see one of the soldiers. “King Elessar would have wanted you here. Even though….” The soldier walked away, leaving his sentence left unsaid. Legolas looked back at the casket headed into the tomb and tears filled his eyes. Aragorn was dead? In only a few moments, the soldiers emerged from the tomb and the heavy stone doors were closed. The people of Gondor soon left, leaving Legolas standing alone. He slowly stepped forward to read the inscription of the tomb. Herein lies King Elessar, the Last King of Gondor. Having no heirs, the stewards hereby take rule in Gondor. The deeds of King Elessar will never be forgotten.

Legolas blinked as he suddenly found himself someplace else. He could hear the crying of the gulls across the harbor. A single ship floated in the water, awaiting its departure. Slowly, he boarded the ship. It was completely empty. Though finished, it looked as if no one had set foot on it in years. He searched the deck completely before heading down into the cabin, hoping to find something. He did find something. Resting in a corner, he found his weapons. He walked over to them slowly, picking up the once great bow. Dust came off of it on his hand. He delicately wiped it away, but set it down again. He would never leave his weapons like that. Never. Unless…

A bright light surrounded him, then faded. Suddenly, it was silent. Even though the light had faded, the place seemed to hold some sort of light. It was Rivendell again. This time, however, it was not a scene of carnage. The bodies had been cleared and buildings rebuilt. The only clue that such a thing had happened was that all that was left of a few of the trees was charred remains. He made his way into the city, drawn by familiar voices. He heard Elladan and Elrohir talking. As he drew closer, he could make out what they were saying. “Are you sure, Elrohir?” He stopped near them to watch and listen. Elrohir nodded. “I saw it. He has passed into the Halls.” He turned as he heard someone approaching. It was Lord Elrond. The Elvenlord came to a stop at his sons, glancing between them. “What has come now, my sons, to cause you worry?” Elrohir sighed and glanced up at their father. “It is Legolas, Ada. He has passed. I found him in Mirkwood alone. It seems that while he was gone, his people sailed. He died from grief.” “Arwen, Aragorn, Legolas… Who’s next?” Elrond was about to reply when a bright light blinded Legolas. He reeled back and closed his eyes, but when he opened them again, he saw only darkness. What you have seen may happen, Legolas Greenleaf. Your friendship must remain true. Do not fail Aragorn, and he shall not fail you. Darkness threatens and the call must be answered. Do nothing, and a worse fate awaits you… A small light appeared where there was none. Someone was coming. A deep hiss sounded in his ears. His eyes widened and he immediately turned, but no matter where he looked, the figure was in front of him, slowly growing closer and closer. Nanddal…


Aragorn watched Legolas as he lay motionless in the bed. Two days had passed since Lord Elrond had treated Legolas. For what, he could find no answer. Whenever he asked, he was simply brushed off. It was beginning to anger him. He jumped as he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. Elladan smiled faintly.
“Pretty jumpy for a ranger if you ask me.” Aragorn glanced up for a moment before he looked away again.
“I was thinking. Do you know what this, Nanddal, is? What has everyone worked up?” Elladan nodded slowly.
“Yes, I do know. Not what, but who. Nanddal is a Ranger. He has preyed upon elves for a long time now, longer than mortals should live. We haven’t seen any sign of him for years. We all assumed he had passed. Either there is more than one, or something is up, whether it be magic or something else. He…”
Elladan suddenly cut off as he was interrupted by a gasp. Legolas jerked in the bed. For the first time, both Elladan and Aragorn realized how pale Legolas was. A cold sweat lined Legolas’ brow. “I’ll go get, Ada” Elladan said hurriedly as he raced out the door. Aragorn was immediately at his friend’s side.
“Legolas? Legolas! Wake up, mellon nin.”
Legolas suddenly bolted up, nearly colliding with Aragorn in the process. He was gasping for breath. The first thing he did was reach up to his back, reaching for weapons that had long been taken off and laid to the side. Only as he began to look around did his breathing begin to steady. He began to look around, immediately spotting Aragorn. His brow creased in confusion, almost as if questioning himself. He hurriedly put a hand on Aragorn’s shoulder and his eyes widened slightly.
“Aragorn… Please don’t hate me… I know I shouldn’t have stalled but…”
“Easy, Legolas. Why would I hate you for being one day late?” He placed a hand on Legolas’s shoulder reassuringly. Legolas looked at Aragorn, his brow creased in confusion, but he did not say anything. Aragorn caught on quickly.
“Legolas, are you all right?” Legolas did not answer right away, but nodded a short time later. Aragorn didn’t believe him, but let it go. He had a more important question on mind.
“What happened to you?” Legolas glanced up at Aragorn for a moment, slowly shaking his head.
“I don’t know, Aragorn… I don’t know…”
Legolas’ words confused Aragorn. He was about to ask something else when Elrond and Elladan came through the doorway; Arwen was close behind them, as was Elrohir. Elrond came to Legolas’ side, looking down at the elf with a faint, relieved smile.
“I’m glad you are awake. We were beginning to worry if the treatment was working.”
“Treat…” Legolas paused. He was beginning to remember…
Aragorn looked from Legolas to Elrond before sighing. “Arwen, Elladan, Elrohir, can I talk to all of you outside?”
Arwen nodded and went out of the room. Elladan and Elrohir exchanged confused glances before they nodded and followed Arwen. Aragorn followed them out.
“What is wrong with him? Why can’t he remember what happened? He woke up telling me not to hate him! I thought he was talking about being late, but I’m not so sure now.”
“It is the treatment.” Arwen explained. “That or shock.” Elladan broke in. “Whatever happened to him, he may forget. He has been asleep for two days now and he was out when we found him. He probably doesn’t even know he woke up before he was treated.”

Still in the room, Legolas glanced up to Elrond, still stricken with silence. Without a word, he began to get out of the bed, only to find himself held down by Elrond’s strong grasp.
“Legolas, you need to rest.” Legolas shook his head quickly.
“I cannot, Lord Elrond…” he paused momentarily, obviously thinking. He glanced up again, looking Elrond in the eyes. “Could I speak with you?” He looked to the doorway, then back to Elrond again. “Perhaps somewhere… quieter…” He didn’t want to necessarily say, ‘alone’, but he didn’t want Aragorn and the others to overhear. Elrond looked at Legolas for a moment before he nodded slowly.
“Yes, of course, Legolas. Come, we will go to my study.”
Elrond held out an arm to help Legolas as he stood. Legolas admired the help, though he wouldn’t admit it. He didn’t have to. Elrond nearly supported all of Legolas’ weight as they walked slowly to his study. They exited through a different door, so not to raise suspicions. It was obvious to Elrond that whatever Legolas wanted to say, he did not want to say in front of Aragorn, Elladan, Elrohir, or Arwen. It was not long before they were at his study. Legolas collapsed into one of the chairs, holding his leg and closing his eyes. “I remember now…” he said slowly. “It was Nanddal. I know he should be dead, but I know it was him.”
“Calm, Legolas. Take…” Legolas shook his head. “Wait,” he interrupted. “That is not what I needed to tell you…”
Elrond waited patiently, not wanting to rush the younger elf. Legolas was quiet a long while before he glanced up at Elrond. “How long was I out?” he asked.
Elrond looked at him, confused, but he answered the question. “Two days at least, Legolas. Why?” Legolas’ hand went to his stomach somewhat wonderingly. It was obviously was a dream, but elves did not dream as men did. Could it be some sort of foresight? “I’ve seen something, Lord Elrond. Something I did not wish to.” Elrond nodded, urging Legolas on. Legolas sighed and began.
“It all felt so real, Lord Elrond… I thought it was at first…” he shook his head slowly and swallowed. “I had dreams, or what I hope were only dreams. I saw Rivendell. It was wrecked. Everyone was… dead. But I did not see you, Aragorn, Arwen, or the twins. But then all went black. I was suddenly in a clearing. I didn’t recognize it. I saw someone battling orcs below me, but I could not tell who it was. As I was listening, I heard Arwen scream, but it was then I realized it was Aragorn battling the orcs. I ran down to help him, but just as I reached him, he…” Legolas cleared his throat, unable to say it. “He asked me why I stalled and said it was too late. I heard Arwen scream again and Elladan was calling to her. That was when they got me…” Legolas sighed, closing his eyes a moment. At first, Elrond thought that was all, but he began again. “I was in a cell. It was small and dark as all are, but this one seemed different. Worse than I would have expected. I saw Aragorn there. He was chained to the wall, but when I went to help him, my hands went strait through. I could do nothing. As I turned, I saw myself. I, too, was chained to the wall across from him. I heard someone coming, and Aragorn said he could not take it anymore. I told him it was all my fault… He agreed…” Legolas bowed his head and his eyes closed. The memory of it was extremely painful. Just the thought of betraying Aragorn sent a sharp ache through his heart. “The next thing I remember… he was dead. He was shut into the tomb of kings. The stewards took over, for it was said that he had no heirs.” Elrond sank into a chair directly in front of Legolas, his eyes locked onto the younger elf’s.
“What else?” he drilled. “You must have seen more.”
Legolas nodded slowly and reluctantly. “Yes, Lord Elrond. There was more…” Legolas cleared his throat again and sighed before he began again. “I was at a harbor, where a single ship sat waiting. I boarded to see who was on, but there was no one on the deck. As I went below, I still found no one, but… I did find something. I found my weapons. They were leaning against the wall in a corner, coated in dust. No one was on that ship. That wasn’t it though… I saw Rivendell again. It was rebuilt and once more as beautiful as it always has been. I heard Elladan and Elrohir talking. There were talking about someone passing into the Halls of Mandos. You walked over to them. When you asked them, it turns out they had been talking about me. Elrohir told you he found me in Mirkwood alone. My family had sailed on, but grief had overcome me. He also said that before Aragorn and I had passed… He said Arwen had passed. You were going to say something when everything went black again. I heard a voice, and the words I still remember. ‘What you have seen may happen, Legolas Greenleaf. Your friendship must remain true. Do not fail Aragorn, and he shall not fail you. Darkness threatens and the call must be answered. Do nothing, and a worse fate awaits you.’ Then there was a light. I saw someone walking towards me. I heard the creature hissing. It was Nanddal…” Legolas cleared his throat again. “That was it, Lord Elrond. Please tell me it was merely a dream. Something caused by the poison…” Elrond shook his head slowly and rubbed his head with his hand. He sighed deeply.
“You know elves do not dream in the ways of men, Legolas. This is fully capable of happening…”
The two were silent for a long time before Elrond spoke again. “Do not tell the others of this, Legolas. You will only worry them over what we do not yet fully understand. Right now you must rest, and I will search into this further.” Legolas nodded slowly and attempted to stand, managing weakly, but unable to walk. Elrond smiled faintly and stood as well, holding out an arm to help support Legolas once again. The two made their way back to the healing rooms just as Aragorn and the others entered as well. Aragorn looked at the two with disapproval.
“Why is Legolas up?” Elrond shook his head, dismissing the question without answering. Legolas eased himself down into the bed again. He immediately closed his eyes and sighed. With his hand, he massaged his temples. Elrond soon left again, calling everyone but Aragorn out with him. Once left alone with Legolas, Aragorn pulled a chair beside his bed, ready to start asking questions, but as he was about to speak, he smiled faintly at the sight. Legolas was already sleeping. It was obvious in the dull stare from the elf’s open eyes. Aragorn sighed and quietly put the chair back. Instead, he sat on one of the longer couches, intending to simply wait until Legolas awoke, but instead, he soon drifted off into a deep sleep as well.


Elrond searched through his books restlessly throughout his study, trying to find something, anything, to try and prove himself wrong. Maybe the poison Nanddal used could cause these ‘visions’. Not foresight, but simply visions. Very little had ever been written on Nanddal even though he had caused much trouble for the elven kind of late. He skimmed quickly through one of the older copies of one of his books, but his eyes suddenly came to rest on something he had once overlooked. He reread it again in disbelief before he sat back in his chair, eyes wide. How could that be?

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