Sun filtered in through the trees, shedding light on the forest floor below. Birds chirped here and there, and a deer stood still, listening. She heard nothing, and kept on drinking from the cool stream. Suddenly, an arrow whizzed through the air, stabbing her in the side, she was dead. Two men appeared, one was a dwarf clad in armor. An ax was held in his right hand, a flagon of water in his left. His face was sweaty, and it’s no wonder why. With a heavy helmet and a thick beard, he must have been sweltering! His companion, however, was tall and lean, and he looked as though he had been walking for only a few minutes. He had long blond hair and he carried a bow, which was more beautiful than any other. He looked strong and determined, his bright blue eyes moved about, scanning the area. He turned to say something to the dwarf, and a pointy ear could be seen. This was Legolas, Prince of Mirkwood, and his dwarf companion was Gimli, son of Gloin. They both moved toward the deer that Legolas had shot down, smiling as they did so. “Ha! This meat will last us ages!” Gimli exclaimed. Legolas smiled and said, “Not with you around.” Gimli laughed heartily, and they both began to prepare a fire. They moved swiftly, gathering twigs and stacking them together. Once the fire was going, Legolas cooked some venison while Gimli sat drooling beside him, waiting anxiously for the meat.

After eating their fill, they both drifted off to sleep…unaware that they were being watched.


Gimli slept soundly, much to Legolas’s dismay, for when Gimli slept well, he always snored. But it wasn’t only Gimli’s snoring that kept Legolas awake; he felt something’s presence. Startled, he sat up with a flash, finding a warg rummaging around, searching for food. Legolas reached silently for his bow, but it was too late, the beast pounced on Legolas, knocking him out of reach of the weapon. Legolas shouted to Gimli, but Gimli kept on snoring. The wretched animal tore into Legolas’s shoulder; blood began oozing out of the wound. Legolas struggled frantically, but it was no use, he was losing blood fast, and he became weaker by the minute. The warg was about to bite into Legolas’s leg when arrows began hurtling out of trees. The warg fell dead on top of Legolas. Legolas wasn’t able to see straight, so he thought it only an illusion when the outline of someone’s face appeared, it was a kind face, gentle and sweet. The person said in a soft and soothing voice, “Stay still, do not move. It’s going to be alright.” Then darkness overcame Legolas.

Legolas awoke to find himself in a cave. He tried to turn over, but a pain shot up through his left shoulder. He grabbed his arm and winced. With much effort he was able to sit up and look around. Moving about the cave were men dressed in rough tunics with leggings and knee-high boots. Each one carried a bow and a quiver of arrows. These are no Mortals, but they are my own people! Thought Legolas. When Gimli noticed Legolas was awake he cried, “You are awakened from slumber!” Gimli ran over to give his dear friend a hug. “I thought I’d lost you! Why didn’t you wake me when the foul beast came?” Gimli looked rather comical, his expression a mix of relief and disappointment. “I tried, but you just kept snoring away.” Legolas laughed heartily, and all the Elves began approaching. They formed a circle around Legolas, smiling shyly, as they looked upon their prince. “My good people, I cannot thank you enough!” said Legolas. They nodded their heads, and their smiles widened. “Let me through.” Said a voice, and the crowd parted willingly. There, standing in front of Gimli and Legolas, was an Elfmaiden. She was dressed just like her companions, but along with a bow, she wielded a sword. It was bound at her waist, waiting for battle. “Welcome, your Highness. We are very pleased by your presence.” She said with a slight bow. Legolas nodded his head and Gimli did the same. “I thank you, my good lady, for saving my life.” Gimli coughed, “As well a my friend’s. Might I inquire as to who you are?” Legolas, looked expectantly at the she-elf. “My name is Galasgalen, daughter of Malindor and Lotesse.” She looked proud, her brown eyes sparkled and a smile lit up her face. “Come, we must leave right away.” She then turned, shouting orders as she went. “Iohtar, Famile, come with me.” The three elves walked to the back of the cave, and prepared the many weapons that were strewn about. Legolas kept his eyes on Galasgalen, as she went about sheathing swords and checking spears. He knew she looked familiar, but where could he have seen her? “Gimli, does she look like someone we’ve met in our travels? I know I’ve seen her face before, but where?” Gimli gazed at the Elfmaiden for a moment and said, “No, I can’t recall I’ve seen her before. She’s a pretty sight though, isn’t she?” Legolas nodded in agreement. “I swear, I’ve seen her before!” he mumbled
The small band of Elves and Gimli marched almost silently though the thick forest. They went back to where Legolas had been attacked by the warg, so that the two friends could gather their belongings. “Hurry,” urged Galasgalen, “We must make haste.” Legolas gave her a strange look, wondering why she was in such a hurry. There were markings in the ground where the warg had attacked Legolas, and blood was sprinkled about. Gimli whistled cheerfully as Legolas picked up his bow, quiver and other things. “Come” Galasgalen said, and the group marched on. Legolas walked beside Galasgalen, listening to what she had to say, “I lived in Lothlorien as a baby, but then my mother and I came to Mirkwood when orcs killed my father. I dreamed of becoming a great warrior so I could avenge him. When I was old enough to wield a sword, I practiced my swordplay daily. Many years later, mother went for a walk, and she never came back. I waited and waited, still, she never came. I finally decided to search for her, questions raced through my mind as I raced on. Searching. Hoping. Praying. I feared that she too had been slain by a wild animal or something worse. I searched for days. Then on the sixth day of my quest, I found her, and my worst nightmare had come true. I found her by a stream, she had deep gashes in her sides, and a slice in her cheek. I didn’t know what had killed her, but whatever it was, I hated it. So, I swore on the grave of my mother, I would hunt wargs and kill them if I found them, and I would avenge my father by slaying as many orcs as possible. I wasn’t sure how I would accomplish that, but I knew, someday I would. I wandered around Mirkwood most of my life, hunting for my own food, aiding those who were in need. Then, somehow, I stumbled across an Elf named Haldir. He took me to Lothlorien with him, which is where I was able to meet Galadriel, Lady of Light, and her husband, Celeborn. I was trained to become a warrior, and when we found that the need was great at a certain place, we went and fought once more alongside of men. That battle was called The Battle of Helm’s Deep.” Legolas almost stopped in his tracks, “I was there.” He said. Galasgalen wasn’t surprised, “Yes, I know. You were there with Gimli and Aragorn, son of Arathorn. That battle was a harsh one, and I barely survived. But when I found Haldir’s body on the battlement, I knew someone had to lead the remaining Elves on, so we left and went wandering, and that’s how we got here today.” Legolas was astonished, he hadn’t realized that a woman was fighting in the battle of Helm’s Deep! “Tell me, ” said Legolas, “How did you come by me and Gimli?” “Well,” she started off slowly, “I had sent Sidhon and Arphenon, out to hunt. They saw you walking through the woods, and then they noticed a warg was following you and your short friend.” Gimli glared at her, but Galasgalen didn’t seem to notice, “Right away all of us took our weapons, and tracked you down. I knew it was you, the prince, the moment I saw you. For I had seen you at Helm’s Deep and admired your skills with the bow. Then we saved you and here we are.” Legolas stopped suddenly saying, “Nad no ennas. And it’s not safe.” He pulled an arrow from his quiver and attached it to his bow. Galasgalen said something to an elf that stood behind her and he turned and shouted, “Prepare your weapons, danger is near!” The Elves obeyed instantly. Gimli laughed and said, “This is what I’ve been waiting for!” a tall Elf with shining hazel eyes, came up to Gimli and warned, “Your eagerness will someday destroy you, short one.” Gimli would’ve hit this rude man, but he thought better of it and said, “Twill be my eagerness that will save you this day. My name is Gimli, and you are…?” “Sidhon, son of Sidonua and Januiel. And I ask your pardon for my comment.” “My friend, you are forgiven, but take care next time you try to talk to a dwarf that way!” They began to trudge on, but this time more slowly, for they were leery now that they could sense something approaching.

“And so that’s the last time anyone ever saw Gandalf the Grey.” Legolas was telling Galasgalen about the quest that he had been fated to. The Quest that destroyed the One Ring forever. He was telling it only halfheartedly though, for he could still sense something. It was beginning to grow dark, Gimli grew inpatient waiting for battle. Suddenly, there was a cry from the back of the crowd, “Orcs! Orcs attack us!” Legolas flung around, to find a band of about a score of orcs advancing from the rear. Gimli shouted and would’ve run to attack the beasts, if Sidhon had not caught his arm, “No, Gimli, wait.” Gimli stopped and at the same moment Galasgalen shouted, “Leithio I philinn!” And a shower of arrows flew into the mass of orcs. . Some fell dead; others pulled out the arrows from their flesh and kept going. They were so hungry, nothing could stop them. They growled like dogs and charged like rhinos, they fought like lions, and fell like flies. The Elves had the advantage with weapons and skills, but orcs are vicious, especially when hungry. Legolas tried to release his arrow, but it was no good with his wounded shoulder. An orc lunged at him, but Legolas moved out of the way, causing the orc to fall on the ground, killing himself. Legolas dropped his bow and pulled out a sword, he fought viciously. Gimli’s voice could be heard above the groans of wounded Elves and orcs, and the sound of swords clashing, “Legolas! That’s six!” Legolas replied with, “What?! Impossible, I’m only on three!” he kept on fighting, but he was beginning to tire, his shoulder was a hindrance. He fell to his knees, exhausted, he felt dizzy, and his shoulder throbbed, as well as his head. An orc quietly came up behind Legolas and snarled, “Finally, I shall slay Legolas, Prince of Mirkwood!” Legolas turned. He found no strength to lift his sword, or even cry for help. And he would have died that day if Galasgalen had not come to his aid once again. She took off the wretched beast’s head with one clean sweep of her shining sword. Legolas regained his strength and was able to fight alongside his friends.

The battlefield was blood stained. The blood of innocent Elves had once more been mixed with the terrible black orc blood. Though it was not a big or very long battle that day, it was tragic. Galasgalen had lost many of her followers, most of whom she had known as a young girl. They had seen each other through thick and thin, and it was horrible to lose them. But she was not the only one to be feeling grief, for Legolas too had lost a friend. Gimli was missing.

“Gimli! GIMLI!!!” Legolas was going crazy, “Where could he have gone?” he said to himself. He scanned the woods with his eyes, no sign of the dwarf. Galasgalen came up to Legolas, “Come, we have found orc tracks leading away from the battlefield. We think some orcs might have taken Gimli with them. Legolas, if anyone can save Gimli, it’s you. Go now, we will be right behind you.” Legolas ran to where Galasgalen had pointed. Sidhon showed Legolas the markings that they had thought to be orc tracks. They were boot marks, but too big for humans or Elves, yes, they were made by orcs, and Legolas was going o follow them. He stepped carefully around the tracks, not wanting to erase his only hope of finding Gimli.

Night was upon Mirkwood, which made it harder for Legolas to track down the orcs. Finally he said, “Let us stop here for the night.”Sidhon protested, “But what about Gimli, he gets farther away, even as we stand here and talk. Shouldn’t we press on?” Legolas looked at the Elf, his face was determined, and he would stop at nothing to save his new friend. Galasgalen intervened, “No, Sidhon, the night is too thick, we will not be able to find the tracks. And if w cannot see the tracks, we will get lost, and what then? No, we must stop.” While Galasgalen said this, Legolas once again felt that he knew her, maybe from a dream. Maybe it was just his imagination, but still, he really felt he had seen the amazing Elf somewhere before.

Legolas drifted off to sleep easily, for all his worries and the battle had sucked all of his energy. That night he had a dream, he dreamed of his childhood………he was sitting by stream, staring at the cool, clear water. His mind started to wander; he began daydreaming of one day fighting in a great battle, becoming a hero and such. But then, he heard a sweet sound. It was someone singing. He turned to find one of his cousins. He didn’t know her very well, in fact, he didn’t even know her name. But he had been told that she was a distant cousin of some sort. The girl had brown eyes and hair that matched; her voice was clear and sweet. But she sang a song that Legolas had never heard before………Legolas awoke with a start, he still heard someone singing. It was Galasgalen, and she was singing the same song Legolas had heard in his dream! Galasgalen turned and saw Legolas looking at her. “Legolas, you should be sleeping, we have a long way to go tomorrow.” Legolas paid no heed to her words. Instead he told her about the dream, “Galasgalen, I had a dream just now. Actually, it was more of a memory in the form of a dream. But there was a girl, and she was singing the same song you were singing just moments ago. Tell me, my friend, was that girl…. were you….?” Legolas couldn’t find the right words. Galasgalen understood what he meant, but it was a shock to her. For she now realized something, “Yes, I must have been that girl. I too, have had similar dreams, although in mine, there was a boy. Legolas, we are cousins!”

Legolas couldn’t believe his ears, this Elf was that cousin whom he had known so long ago! “Galasgalen! Do my ears deceive me? No. It is you, my cousin!” they embraced, and Galasgalen’s eyes shone with tears of joy. “Tell me, Legolas, more about your travels with Frodo Baggins, and the battle at Pellannor Fields.” Legolas smiled, “I suppose the best place to start is in Rivendell…..” Legolas meant to give just a brief summary of the whole journey, but Galasgalen wanted to know every little detail about Rivendell. “What are the Elves like there?” She asked. “I did not meet many, but there was one that you remind me of. Her name was Gwenneth, and she has the same determination and bravery that you carry. I taught her how to use a bow, and in return she would talk for hours telling me amazing stories no one has ever heard before. She had big brown eyes and long brown hair, like you, but hers is darker. And, also like you, she was tall and slim. I shall never forget the friendship she gave me.” Legolas stared into the woods surrounding him, and he reflected on that young elf, whom he had met so long ago. He sighed and looked at Galasgalen, “We need our rest. Maer fuin, Galasgalen.” “Maer fuin.” Sleep did not come easily to Legolas, for without Gimli’s snoring, it was too quiet. And his mind was now full of memories of the time he had spent with Gwenneth. She had been like a sister to him during his short stay in Rivendell. Finally, he drifted off to sleep. But it was a restless sleep. He had nightmares of what could have happened to Gimli, or what could be happening to the dwarf right that minute.

“Oh, my head!” Gimli had been unconcious, and when he awoke, he found he was being carried by several orcs. “Hey! Get your filthy, stinking hands off me!” He demanded. But Gimli’s captors paid him no heed, instead they talked of how they were going to eat him, “We could roast ‘im over a nice fire.” Suggested one. Another said, “How are we gonna start a fire, we ain’t got no matches? How ’bout we watch him starve to death first, and then we can cook him over a fire.” The leader of the pack gave his input, “Those both will take too long. We must kill him right away with our knives and then eat him raw.” Gimli’s eyes grew wide. He reached to his belt where he carried a knife. The orcs had taken away Gimli’s ax and one of his knives, but luckily Gimli kept one hidden. He pulled it out without the filthy orcs seeing it. But Gimli had run into another problem: there was three of them and only one of him. How in the world was he going to slay three orcs with a knife? Then, he noticed one of them carried Gimli’s ax. He would kill that one first, grab the ax and slay the remaining two with it. Gimli waited for the oportune moment, and when it arrived, Gimli was glad he had waited. The orcs were putting Gimli down to get ready to eat him, but Gimli was (believe it or not) too fast for them. He stabbed the orc that held the ax, and then killed the other two with it. Realizing that the orcs weren’t completely dead, Gimli ran deeper into the woods. Once he thought he was far enough away, he sat down on the ground. His stomach was growling and he desperatly needed something to drink. “Well, it’s not doing me any good just sitting here. But where do I go? Legolas will be looking for me, so I will go south and hopefully run into him.Yes, that is what I will do.” And with that Gimli stood up and started walking. His spirits lifted as he did so, and he began talking to himself. “Legolas is not far, I can sense it, which means food and drink is not far either. Ah, I shall come upon my friend soon!” or so he thought.


Legolas awoke early the next morning feeling refreshed and ready to set out again. He found that everyone else was still asleep, except for Sidhon, who had taken the night watch. When Sidhon realized Legolas was awake he shouted, “Everyone rise from slumber, Legolas is awakened!” The Elves immediently woke up and started gathering their things together. Galasgalen walked over to Legolas saying, “Come we must leave now.” Then she pulled something out of a leather bag she carried. It was some type of food wrapped in Mallorn leaves. “Lembas.” whispered Legolas. Galasgalen handed it to Sidhon, “Give everyone one small piece.” Legolas took his own piece in his hand for a while just thinking back to when Merry and Pippin had eaten several whole loaves, he laughed at the thought. Galasgalen gave him a strange look, but she didn’t ask where the sudden burst of laughter had come from. “Everyone, move out!” With that, the band of Elves began to set out. Legolas and Galasgalen were in the lead. They set a brisk pace, which everyone else copied. They made good time, and they came upon the orcs that Gimli had killed, by nightfall. Little did they know, that they would not come upon the dwarf for a long time.

Gimli sat down to rest a while, and as he did so a fresh breeze blew around him, cooling swaty brow. He began to feel the earge for something to drink and eat, and he knew if he did not find water soon, than he would die. Just then, he heard something, it sounded like the tinkling of bells, a clear, cheerful sound. But where could it be coming from? Gimli could see anything, for the night was thick, and a cloud covered the moon. Just then, he saw something in the distance. It shone like a star, and it danced around. With eyes full of wonder, Gimli moved towards the….the…whatever it was. As he came closer, he realized it was an elf! She was more beautiful than anything else Gimli had seen, even more beautiful than Galadriel, which Gimli had thought to be impossible! She had long, dark hair, and her eyes were twinkling with mystery and delight. She wore a long white dress that sparkled as though it was covered with many diamonds. She had fair skin, and around her neck there was a necklace that was made out….well, it was made out of stars! Gimli was amazed at this, and he stood there for somtie before the baetiful Elf noticed him. When she did, he blushed as spoke to him, “What business does a dwarf have in Mirkwood?” her voice was smooth and clear, like a stream leiserly making it’s way through a forest. “my…my…name is Gimli, and I’m lost. I am..looking for my friends.” Gimli’s voice wasweak as he said that, for he was just struck with awe at the sight of such an Elf as she…whoever she was. The woman laghed, and it sounded like hundreds of little bells tinkling. “My good dwarf, isn’t this a bit far from your home? Well, no matter, you can come with me if you like, I shall supply you with all the food and drink you like. And then, I will help you find your friends. Come.” She motioned Gimli to takeher hand, so he did, and they began to fly! Not high in the sky, but swiftly and gently thorugh the woods. The whole time Gimli kept his eyes on her, and she looked straight ahead with a smile on her face. When they stopped, Gimli found that they were in a clearing, where a waterfall swept gracefully over the edge of a cliff, feeding water into a pool. The water looked divine, and Gimli knelt down and began drinking with much gusto. The strange Elf just laughed a cheerful laugh and went up a little path that led behind the waterfall. Gimli followed when he had drunk his fill. Behind the waterfall was a cave, where there was simply a stone table. No chairs, no beds, no food, only the stone table. But what a grand table it was! It had many Elvish markings carved into the stone, and the shade of the rock was a mysterious gray color. It was held up by one thick leg that was built into the floor. “Gimli, would you care to sit down?” Her voice was full of laughter and Gimli could tell she was having fun teasing him.
“Miss, it appears to me that there are no chairs, how does one sit at a table with which there are no chairs to sit upon?” Gimli questioned. “Well, one can either ask for a chair, or one can just sit on the ground.” “I’m am the kind who prefers a comfortable chair.” “Very well, then. I shall return soon.” And with that the elf flew through the waterfall, leaving Gimli quite alone in the cave.

During all the mysterious things that had been happening to Gimli, that night, Legolas and Galasgalen had been wondering what to do. “Since w now have found the orcs that have carried Gimli away, and Gimli’s body is no where insight, than he must have gotten away!” Legolas’s eyes were full of joy as he said this, and Galasgalen had been staring blankly at the dead orcs that lay on the ground. When she looked up, she said, “We must kep movig, I fear that something terrible has a hold of Gimli.” “What are you talking about?” Asked Sidhon. “I don’t know exactly, but I can sense that we must track him down, or else Gimli will die!

The beautiful Elf returned to Gimli. In her hands she held a stool. It was made out of thick vines, and adorned with pure white flowers. “Sit, my friend, and dinner will be served shortly.” Gimli sat without question as the Elf moved swiftly preparing the meal. “Tell me, o Beautiful One, what is your name?” The woman laughed at his question but she then answered, “I am Luthien Tinuviel. And I have been sent back to help you” Gimli’s eyes grew as big as saucers and his ax fell clattering to the floor.”Lu…Lu..Luthien?!” Gimli fell to his knees in awe. “How….how can you be here?” Luthien laughed that merry laugh again. “Gimli, don’t you see? This is all a dream.”
“Galasgalen. I was wondering, what did you mean back there? What do you sense?” Galasgalen and Legolas were once again leading their followers through the forest. They had taken a lantern that the orcs had been carrying with them, so they were able to follow Gimli’s tracks. “I don’t know, Legolas, I don’t really know. I just feel like he’s on the very brink of death. He’s not suffering, in fact, and he cannot see that he’s about to die. Legolas, I feel so helpless!” And with that Galasgalen began to weep. She wept for Legolas, and for Gimli, and for the agony the two must have been feeling. Legolas didn’t quite know what to do, he tried to comfort her, but found his own eyes filling with tears. “Do not mourn, we must keep are hopes up. Come, wipe the tears away, and let us press on.” Sidhon’s words were comforting to both Legolas and Galasgalen. They both managed to recover and keep going. But Galasgalen couldn’t help feeling that Gimli was still suffering.

Gimli laughed at the thought of the whole wonderful thing of being a dream. Was it possible? It all seemed so real! Tinuviel’s smile spread from one pointed ear to the other. Oh well Gimli though, what if it is a dream? That doesn’t matter, it’s beautiful weather it’s my imagination or not. With that he began eating the bountiful meal Luthien had placed before him. He was famished, and he shoved food into his mouth. All the food tasted heavenly. The meat was juicy, and the rolls were so soft and light that he felt like he had clouds floating in his mouth. The wine was the sweetest he had ever tasted, and the fruit was perfect. No apple had a bruise, no pear a bad spot, and the peaches were perfectly round. Gimli was amazed at this meal; he had never had anything so delicious and filling. After the meal he began to wonder, though, could all of this be a dream? “Come my friend, you will want to get cleaned up, and then you can rest.” Gimli followed Tinuviel down the little path to the edge of the pool she helped him remove his heavy armor, then she told that if he waded to the other side of the pool, he would find something that was like a bathhouse. He did as she instructed and waded out into the water. It felt light and soft. And oh it felt so good to clean off the sweat and grime. There was something else about the water. It acted like a cleaning solution. As soon as he waded out into the water, his wounds were covered with a fizz, and then they began to heal right before his eyes! When he felt clean enough, he waded back to the other side of the lake. Tinuviel was nowhere in sight, but his armor was right as he left it, except for the fact that it was sparkling clean. He put it back on, and walked back to the cave. Tinuviel was preparing a bed for him to lie down on. It looked like it was formed out of clouds, and the pillow sparkled like the stars! When Gimli looked closer at the pillow, he found star constellations! He also found Earendil, Galadriel’s most beloved star! “Come, my friend, lie down and sleep in peace. I must go now, but do not fear, no harm shall come to you.” And with that Tinuviel disappeared. And Gimli “fell asleep.”

Legolas had marched on, with Galasgalen at his side. Galasgalen stopped suddenly and said, “No, this is not right.” Legolas looked at her. “What is it, my cousin?” Legolas asked with concern. Galasgalen turned to him with tears in her eyes saying, “It has just dawned upon me that I cannot keep this band of Elves any longer. They must go to Valinor, I am keeping them from living in peace. I have been so selfish to have kept them with me, they must go now. They are very close friends, and I shall not forget them, but I have not the heart to keep them with me.” Legolas understood what she meant; they must go to the undying lands to be with their kindred. Galasglaen handed him the lantern she had been carrying, and she turned to the band of Elves that had followed her so willingly and faithfully. “Melhyn nin, you have followed me without question, and I have not heard complaints from one of you. I have grown to know each of you very well, and this is hard for me to tell you, but you must leave. I’m commanding you to leave me forever and go to Valinor. Go. Go and find your kindred, you must do it.” Galasgalen’s throat ached with the unshed tears that she was holding back. Without question the Elves left. All of them, that is, except for Sidhon. He would not leave Galasgalen, she was like a sister to him, and he had no kindred left. So he turned to her and said, “Galasgalen, I can not leave you. I have remained faithful to you these many years, and I can’t fail now. Please, I beg of you, let me stay!” Galasgalen couldn’t utter a word, for she was sobbing uncontrollably. So instead she nodded her head and embraced Sidhon. So it was there, in the gray of the morning that Galasgalen departed from the little band of Elves and Sidhon made his pledge to stay with Galasgalen and protect her.

Legolas did not want to disturb the two, but he knew that if they did not hurry, Gimli would die. “My friends, I do not want to spoil this joyous moment, but I must ask of you that we keep going.” Galasgalen apologized, “Forgive me, Legolas, for not thinking of you. Yes, we must keep going.” So the three set out once again. They traveled for a few hours, keeping a sharp eye out for tracks that Gimli had left. They moved quickly, and the tracks led them to a cave. They heard loud snoring coming from behind the waterfall. Legoals ran up a path that was overgrown with weed and vines. The water that was in the pool was brownish looking, and the air smelled musty. Legolas found Gimli sleeping on a rough cot with a scratchy woolen blanket covering him. “Gimli, Gimli wake up!”

When Gimli awoke, he found that he must have been dreaming the night before, because he no longer had the soft feather bed, or the pillow made out of clouds. But he was behind a waterfall, that much was true. And instead of the shining face of Tinuviel, he found Legolas, Galasgalen and Sidhon all smiling at him! “Bless my soul! Can it be? Yes it is, Legolas my friend!” Gimli hopped up and embraced Legolas. “What took you so long?” Gimli demanded. Legolas let out a laugh, something he had not done for a while. “Oh, you know, we had to stop and cook a meal once in a while, and we had to get rid of few orcs and such.” Gimli laughed at Sidhon’s comment. Then suddenly, he remembered! “Legolas, I had the strangest dream! Or perhaps is wasn’t a dream, because here I am!” The three Elves gave Gimli strange looks, but he continued, “I met Tinuviel and she fed me, and let me bathe in the pool. She was the one who brought me here!” Suddenly a voice said, “Well, I’m not Tinuviel, but I did bring you here.” The four companions turned towards the voice, and there standing in front of them was an Elfmaiden. She had long dark hair, and brown eyes that sparkled with delight. She wore a blue silk dress with long, flowing sleeves. Then, her face was full of recognition, “Legolas! It’s so good to see you again!” Legolas looked very surprised and then said, “is it really you? How did you…where did you?” Legolas gave her a big brotherly hug. And then he introduced his friend, “Galasgalen, Sidhon, Gimli, this is Gwenneth.”

“Gwenneth, I have heard so much about you!” It was Galasgalen who had spoken this, and she seemed very pleased to finally be meeting this Elf who Legolas had talked so much about. “Just one moment there, if you’re Gwenneth, then did I dream Tinuviel up?” Gwenneth thought for a moment and said, “You must have been half dreaming, for I brought you here, and I gave you food and drink, and I shined you’re armor for you.” Gimli looked dismayed to find that he really hadn’t met Tinuviel after all. “No matter, he said, you saved my life.” He laughed and everyone smiled. “Gwenneth,” it was Legolas who spoke, “How did you come by Gimli, and what are you doing in Mirkwood?!” “Well, I don’tknow what exactly compelled me to come here, but I guess I was just so curious about the Mirkwood because you spoke of it fondly. I decided I’d rather stay here and dwell in the woods than go to Valinor, for the time being anyway. I just came upon Gimli while wandering around. This cave is where I shall probably stay for eternity. I don’t feel like Valinor is the place for me. ” Legolas looked dispeased, “I cannot allow you to remain alone forever. Come with us, we do not where we are going, but you are welcome to come.” Gwenneth looked happy and she said, “I shall come with you, if it is alright with the others.” Galasglaen, Gimli and Sidhon nodded vigerously. So the little band of four elves and one dwarf set out where? They did not know.

They gathered their things and went and climbed a mountain that the small company would eventually call Mount Melhyn. At the top they stood and looked around them. The wind blew in their faces, and the sun shone down on them. Legolas stood tall, his bow in hand, his blue eyes were happy ad at the same time watching for danger. Gimli stood to Legolas’s right, gripping his ax, anticipating another battle with a warg or orcs or something. Gwenneth stood at Legolas’s other side, she looked happy, her friendly face shone with delight of feeling like she was at the top of the world. Her dark brown eyes sparkled and her long brown hair blew about her face. Galasgalen stood next to Gwenneth looking serene and happy. She was glad to be once again with a group of friends. Nest to her stood Sidhon who was lost in his thoughts. Nobody knew what was to become of the small group, but whatever fate came to them, they would help each other and stay together always.

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