(Arwen and Eowyn sit alone in the room eyeing each other)

Arwen: So, how’s life down there in Edoras?

Eowyn: *shrugs* Not bad, I guess. We don’t get a lot of smart guys down there…they’re mostly blond, you know.

Arwen: *nods* Yeah…so, have you made any guy friends worth keeping?

*Elrond walks in with Galadriel and Rosie*

Elrond: Hello girls, behaving yourselves?

Arwen: *stands and flings open arms* DADDY!!!!

Elrond: Hello sweetie, sit down, would you?

Arwen: *blows Elrond a kiss and sits down*

Eowyn: Hello Mr. Peredhel.

Elrond: Oh my goodness, dear girl, call me Elrond. That whole Half-Elven thing gets a little old.

Arwen: *giggles*

*Elrond, Rosie and Galadriel sit down*

Elrond: *clears throat* So, how have you ladies been doing lately?

Galadriel: *gives motherly smile at Elrond* Just fine, dear boy.

Rosie: Great.

Eowyn: Not half bad.

Arwen: *sighs* Fairly well.

Elrond: *looks at Arwen* Why, what’s been troubling you, dearie? You seem rather depressed.

Galadriel: *rolls eyes* An ATTENTIVE father would notice that he was ruining his daughter’s life, Elrond.

Elrond: *blinks* I beg your pardon?

Galadriel: *sighs* You’ve always tried to rule her life, but trying to rule her love life is pushing it a little too far.

Elrond: *gasps* I can’t believe you just said that!

Arwen: *nods and sniffles* She’s so right! See, nobody understands me except Grandma.

Galadriel: *pats Arwen’s hand*

Elrond: *glares at Galadriel* Ok guys, I’m changing the subject, I’M running this session, not some mind-reading-elf-witch!

Galadriel: *shakes head* Now he’s resorting to petty Dwarvish insults…I almost pity the poor desperate man.

Elrond: *glares at Galadriel, then smiles cheerfully at the others* Well my gals, who wants to share something? Eowyn, I’m sure you’ve been up to something you would like to tell us about.

Eowyn: *blushes happily* Well…I did meet this guy…

Arwen: *claps hands* Ooooh, wonderful! Tell us about it, Eowyn!

Eowyn: *smiles at Arwen* Well, he’s tall, dark and handsome, and royalty, just like me! He’s quiet and mysterious and very sweet.

Arwen: *smiles slightly baffledly* Wow…sounds just like my fiancee….what’s his name?

Eowyn: *proudly* Aragorn.

Arwen: *stands and gasps* That two-timing fiend!!!

Eowyn: Huh??

Arwen: *points at herself* Aragorn is gonna marry me!

Eowyn: *gasps* But he was so hitting on me…*starts to cry* I thought we had something special!

Elrond: *looks uncomfortably at Arwen and Eowyn* Well, girls, let’s move on, shall we? Rosie, you go next.

Arwen: *mutters and crosses arms* I’ll bet SHE would never cheat on her boyfriend…

Rosie: *oblivious to Arwen* Well, I’ve had a good bit of offers to be hitched, but I’m still waitin’ on that sweet Sammy Gamgee.

Elrond: *blinks* Anything troubling you…?

Rosie: *smiles and shakes head* Nope!

Elrond: How…wonderful. Okay, Galadriel? Anything going on in Lorien we should know about?

Galadriel: Well, between fretting over my lovely granddaughter, trying to keep an eye on that rascal Celeborn, and fending off that flirtatious Haldir, I’ve been taking care of the entire wood of Lothlorien and weilding Nenya, the Ring of Water.

Elrond: *glares at Galadriel* Show off.

Galadriel: Don’t take that tone with me, young man.

Elrond: *whines* Gimme a break! You know, everyone is right, mother-in-laws are a pain in the neck.

Galadriel: Oh shut up.

Arwen: Daddy! Don’t talk to dear Grandma like that.

Elrond: *looks pointedly at Galadriel* Well my life’s been no cake of lembas either, miss I’m-so-busy-and-important. I’m busy fretting over my daughter being polluted by her witchy grandmother, missing my wife, keeping an eye on my hyperactive twin boys, taking care of the entire vally of Imladris and weilding Vilya, the Ring of Air. Which, I might add, is the most poweful of all the Elven Rings…

Galadriel: *sneers*

Eowyn: *a little uneasy* Hey guys, why don’t we talk about something else…?

Galadriel: *snippy* Oh yes, little miss I’ll-get-involved-with-another-girl’s-fiancee, let’s do what YOU want to do.

Arwen: Grandma…you could be a LITTLE nicer…after all, it could be a mistake. A simple mix up.

Eowyn: *smiles at Arwen* Thanks Arwen.

Arwen: *grins and hugs Eowyn* No problem girlfriend!

*Aragorn suddenly walks in and waves to everyone*

Arwen and Eowyn: *smiles brightly* Hi Aragorn! *turn to each other and gasp, then stand and point to Aragorn* YOU CHEATED ON ME!!!

Aragorn: *throws hands up in the air* Uh…what’s going on here??

Elrond: You don’t wanna know, son.

Arwen: You HATE me! I always knew you would do something like this….

Aragorn: *hugs Arwen* No, sweetie, I love you!

Eowyn: *sobs* I thought you cared for me….how could I be so blind…?

Aragorn: *goes to Eowyn and pats her shoulder* I do care for you, Eowyn, calm down.

Arwen: *gasps* See! I knew you had feelings for her…that human…

Elrond: *sighs* Aragorn, leave now when you’re still ahead.

Arwen and Eowyn: *cross arms and turn away from Aragorn*

Arwen: Oh, trust me Daddy, he’s NOT ahead. It’s so over between us.

Aragorn: *incredulously* Arwen! *looks at Eowyn and opens arms* Hey, pretty girl.

Eowyn: Oh my gosh I can’t believe you, I’m so outta here!

*Arwen and Eowyn storm out of the room*

Aragorn: *looks sadly around and sees Rosie*

Rosie: No way, I’m already taken Mr. Ranger sir. *leaves quickly*

Aragorn: *sits down next to Elrond* Why do we go for these Elf women anyway?

Galadriel: *gasps* Elessar!! *walks grandly out of room*

Elrond: *throws hands in the air* Don’t ask me.

The End

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