*Elrond walks in holding a clipboard*

Elrond: Hello everyone, I’m glad you could make it.

Glorfindel: *snickers* It’s not like I don’t live two doors down, Elrond.

Elrond: Glofindel, shut that smart mouth of yours. That’s what got you excluded from the movie in the first place.

Glorfindel: *sniffs*

Elrond: *flips through clipboard pages* Okay, rolecall. Glorfindel?

Glorfindel: Not present.

Elrond: *sighs and checks Glorfindel’s name off list* Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bombadil?

Tom and Goldberry: Here.

Elrond: *checks names off list* Fatty Bolger?

Fatty: I’m ‘ere.

Elrond: *checks name off list* Old Man Willow?

Goldberry: He couldn’t make it.

Elrond: Sorry to hear that. *scribbles name off list* Barrow-wight?

Barrow-wight: *glares at Elrond*

Elrond: *looks briefly at Barrow-wight* Okay….Barrow-wight is here. *crosses name off list and takes a seat, looking at the people* Alright, now last time we had a session like this things didn’t go so well. *scratches top of head* So this time it’s a little more organized.

Fatty: *raises hand*

Elrond: *looks up* Yes, Mr. Bolger?

Fatty: Are there refreshments?

Glorfindel: *snickers*

Elrond: *glares briefly at Glorfindel then turns to Fatty* No, I’m sorry. Like I was saying, this time around we have more organization. We will go around to each person when their last name comes up in the alphabet. *looks closely at clipboard* Fatty Bolger, you’re up.

Fatty: *strokes chin thoughtfully* I was at Bilbo’s birthday party for just a little bit, which was fun. I would’ve LIKED to be in the more of the movie, but obviously it woulda been impossible, seein’ as how Crickhollow was cut clean out.

Elrond: *nods sympathectically* Yes I understand perfectly. Anything else?

Fatty: *shakes head*

Elrond: Then Tom and Goldberry, you two are next. *crosses arms* How do you feel about being cut from the movie? I know alot of people are upset about that.

Tom: Old Tom Bombadil is a merry fellow- Bright blue his jacket is, and his boots are yellow.

Elrond: *looks inquisitivly at Tom* Right… *looks at Goldberry with raised eyebrows*

Goldberry: *takes Tom’s hand* Tom feels he was an essential character to the story, even though many people feel that Frodo’s journey to Withywindle was not necessary to the movie.

Elrond: Of course. Anything else, Tom?

Tom: O slender as a willow-wand! O clearer than clear water! O reed by the living pool! Fair River-daughter!

Elrond: *looks at Goldberry*

Goldberry: *smiles at Tom* Oh, thank you honey, how sweet. *turns to Elrond* Tom thinks that my presence in the movie would have been nice indeed, as well as his.

Elrond: *nods absently* Yes…… *jolts up* Right, thank you Mr. and Mrs. Bombadil. Now I suppose it’s Glorfindel’s turn. Glorfindel?

Glorfindel: *crosses arms*

Elrond: *sighs* Come on boy, tell us what’s the matter. Why are you upset you were cut from the movie?

Glorfindel: *sniffs* It’s just not fair! Arwen was the love interest, didn’t bother me a bit. She had the whole Evenstar/Aragorn conflict added to the story, that’s fine. They even expanded her a little for the movie, great! But completly leaving me out and replacing me with some SHE-ELF is just not right!

Elrond: *glares at Glorfindel* That’s my daughter you’re talking about, punk.

Fatty: *laughs, then quickly turns it into a cough*

Glorfindel: *glares at Fatty and stands* You wanna piece of me, you chubby halfling?

Fatty: *gasps*

Elrond: Okay people, break it up! *murmers* This is NOT happening to me again. *louder* Okay, enough of Glorfindel. Mr. Barrow-wight, do you have anything you would like to share with us?

Barrow-wight: *glares at Elrond*

Elrond: *blinks* Anything at all?

Barrow-wight: *glares at Elrond*

Elrond: *laughs nervously* Alrighty then! I suppose we’re done, then, now don’t we all feel better?

Barrow-wight: *stands up*

Tom: *jumps up and approaches Barrow-wight* Get out you old Wight! Vanish in the sunlight! Shrivel like the cold mist, like the winds go wailing.

Goldberry: Calm down honey.

Glorfindel: *clutches Elrond* Ack! Don’t let it get me!

Elrond: *pushes Glorfindel off* He’s after ME you dunce.

Tom: …Out into the barren lands far beyond the mountains! Come here never again!

Fatty: I’m hungry!

Elrond: Now is not the time, Mr. Bolger. *backs away from Barrow-wight*

*Arwen bursts through the door*

Arwen: DADDY!!!

Elrond: *sighs and slumps back in his chair* What is it? Daddy’s very busy!

Arwen: *grinning and bouncing up and down* I want to visit Aragorn. Can I visit Aragorn, PLEEEEASE??

Glorfindel: She gets everything she wants! It’s not fair…

Tom: …Leave your barrow empty!

Goldberry: Tom, we’re in Rivendell.

Tom: Lost and forgotten be, darker than the darkness- Where gates stand for ever shut, till the world is mended.

Barrow-wight: *glares at everyone then walks out*

Goldberry: Well, ah, thank you Elrond for everything. *looks sideways at Tom* Sorry about all this… *takes Tom’s hand and leads him out of the room*

Fatty: Bye Elrond. *walks out*

Elrond: *waves hand weakly* Bye everyone, thanks for coming.

Arwen: *grabs Elrond* I WANT TO SEE MY BOYFRIEND!!!

Elrond: *covers face with hands* I really need to get better ideas….

To be continued…???

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