Upon receiving word from Lord Elrond, my people and I immediately set forth towards Helm’s Deep. Although the outcome of the impending battle and our futures were uncertain, we marched onward with confidence.

Helm’s Deep, believed to be an impenetrable fortress, was to be the target of a great army of Uruk-hai orchestrated by the dark wizard, Saruman. Hopefully with our aid, the loss of life would be a minimal and we would walk away unscathed and victorious.

Finally reaching our destination, it is clear that our arrival was an unexpected one. The Men, armed and garbed in battle gear try to hide their astonished and quizzical stares. Their fear is not so easily hidden however. The smell of fear weighs heavily in the air. It is visible in their eyes as well, but hidden beneath the fear, a small spark of hope flourished.

We are met at the stairs of the keep by Théoden, King of Rohan. A look of confusion passes over the King’s face. “How is this possible?” Although already weary, the King quickly tries to regain his composure.

Meeting his eyes, I inform the King of the meaning of our arrival. “I bring word from Elrond of Rivendell. An alliance once existed between Elves and Men. Long ago we died and fought together.” A sudden movement behind the King alerts me to the arrival of Aragorn, son of Arathorn, followed by Legolas Greenleaf of Mirkwood and the dwarf Gimli, son of Gloin. “We come to honor that allegiance.”

Rushing down the stairs, I receive a warm welcome from Aragorn, “Mae govannen.” He pauses, before starting forward, outstretching his arms to embrace me in a hug. At first I am taken back by the display of affection. However, unable to resist the welcoming, I reciprocate the action, somewhat uncomfortably and hug him in return. With a smile reaching his eyes, he says, “You are most welcome.” Legolas then approaches. Grasping one anothers shoulders, he greets me in the silent manner known all too well by our people- the silence speaking volumes.

“We are proud to fight alongside Men once more.”


Aligning ourselves along the fortress walls, all is silent as we await the appearance of the Uruk-hai and the battle about to ensue. Dispersed amongst my people and I, who remain ever calm and vigilant, yet expressionless, the Men anxiously await the precarious event about to unfold before us all. An event that will determine the future of the race of Men. Men who witnessed many seasons, and some, mere children were among the soldiers suited up for battle. Children. Helpless mortals who’s chief concern in life should have been playtime and gallivanting around. Not war or the possibility of bloodshed. How many of these children will live to see another summer? I try to push the thought aside as the sound of approaching Uruk-hai becomes audible.

After what seemed like hours elapsed, but in truth was but mere moments, the Uruk-hai, an army composed of at least ten thousand strong, drew to the foot of the walls. Taking command, Aragorn shouts with an authoritative voice, in the Elven tongue, “Show them no mercy…for you shall receive none!”

With almost perfect synchronization, the archers draw back the strings of their bows, prepared to fire when given the command. One foolish elderly man, unable to handle the pull weight of the bow for any longer, accidentally fires his arrow, sinking it into one of the enemies below. The angry growls of the Uruk-hai are heard from below, even moreso fueling the fires of hatred and aggression already brewing. The battle has begun.

As the Uruk-hai rush the walls, Aragorn gives the command to prepare fire. At last, we are ordered to release our arrows. Soon, ladders are set up and the Uruk-hai begin to scale the walls. Putting our bows away, we withdraw our swords. It has now come down to hand-to-hand, close range combat. Uruk-hai, heavily armored and shielded began to advance upon the causeway. Their armor and shields are still not sufficient enough protection to deter the onslaught of arrows directed their way. Suddenly, there is an ear-splitting sound and the ground begans to rumble as though shaken by an earthquake. Debris is thrown into the air, crushing and impaling those unfortunate to be under the falling rubble. An explosion. The culvert of the fortress has been breached. Knowing for certain that lives were lost resulting from the explosion, many being of my own people, I silently issue out a prayer to those that perished.

An infinite amount of time passes. I am no longer able to measure the length of time we are at battle. But still, the battle carries on. Enemy after enemy I defeat. Calculating the moves I am about to make next does not require thought nor effort. It is of a second nature to me. Vigilance, speed and my clean, clear precision make me a lethal and formidable enemy. Forces essential in helping to prevent me from being attacked in a vulnerable postion while unaware.

“Haldir!” a voice shouts from below. Mixed within the swarming army of Orc’s, engaged in combat, was Aragorn. “To the keep!” Nodding in acknowledgement and affirmation, I began to instruct my people to make for the keep. Turning around, I am assaulted unpreparedly. A sharp pain pierces my side. Pain- a sensation almost foreign to me. Acting quickly, I slay the beast that wounded me. Uncertain as to how bad the extent of my injury is and the surprise of being caught offguard, I hesitate, watching the crimson liquid cascade down my fingertips. Suddenly, while caught in my deep stupor, I am attacked from behind. A sharp, forceful blow catches me in the back.

Time ceases to move forward as I fall to my knees. My line of vision is only able to focus on that which lies before me: the slain bodies strewn unceremoniously on the ground. The bodies of Men, my fellow Elves and Orc. The irony that these three races should fall to rest aside one another. Elves…immortal beings. Immortal beings who chose to forsake their immortality. Chose to sacrifice their very own lives in the hope that the race of Men would not be annihilated.

As pain courses throughout my body, realization strikes me. Soon I am going to be joining my fallen comrades, Men and Elf alike. Soon I will take my final breath. No longer will I live to see the changing of the seasons. No longer will I be able to set my eyes on and enjoy the beauty and tranquility of my homeland. As my very life’s essence drains out of me, something else dawns upon me. Though mortal, Men and Elf are not at all unalike. Different in our appearances and customs, we share several things as well. The expressions and emotions of Men are read easily. We Elves are not lacking in either. We cry too. Instead we are able to heavily conceal our expressions and emotions. But the most critical similarities between the race of Elves and Men: mortality. Although Men are not given the gift of immortality like my people are, we can die too. Our blood can easily be shed with the swift stroke of a blade or the musical song of an arrow.

Wishing I possessed the telepathic abilities that some of my people have, I send my last silent message, even if futile, to my remaining comrades. “Remain strong and steadfast, my friends. Show them no mercy. Protect and defend one another, never relinquishing your guard. Above all else, never lose faith or hope. There is always hope, but you must be willing to find it. Do not trouble yourselves over my death, for I did not die in vain. It was for a notable and worthy cause. I shall carry on to the other side with honor. Navaer, nîn mellyn.” (Farewell, my friends)

My perception begins to fade, my pain subsides, all sensations dull. For a fleeting moment, I am saddened that my time is ending. A feeling of peace starts to flow within me. Strong arms grasp me from behind. And then…


***Authors Note: Normally I write poety and my own personal stories. This is my first attempt at something of this nature. So if it is terrible, please let me know. I am always willing to receive constructive criticism. Having only watched the movies, I am not real knowledgeable about all of the people and events. The Elven language for that matter either. Please bare with me and forgive me if I misrepresented a person or incident. After watching the movies, I immediately fell in love with the storylines and characters. I hope to be able to read the books sometime in the near future to get a better understanding of everything. The death of Haldir hit me pretty hard. I thought that it was so amazing that somebody that could have lived an immortal life was willing to chance giving that up to aid the race of Men. So I wrote this, more for myself then anything, for me to express what I thought Haldir might have seen and felt, up until the moment of his departure. I know a lot was taken from the movie, but I felt the need to delve and divulge what I think was his true feelings and thoughts. Thanks.

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