The sun glinted in the trees. Birds sang and flew up into the sky, and all was peaceful until Legolas stopped.
“What’s wrong? Orcs? Elves? Who-or what- is there? Legolas?”
Legolas was silent for a moment, and then said,
He didn’t finsh his sentance.
Legolas’ eyes grew wide.
“That’s the forbidden tounge-it is Quenya…”
“Ya tara?”
“Common…”, called Aragorn.
“Oh? Common speekers, eh? what are you doing here, in these parts?”called another voice, softer and muted.
“That buisness is our own.” said Legolas stonily.
“Well, I would watch what you say. Are you friend-”
The creature stepped out…”or foe?”
The being was cloked in way that you could not see its face.
And out of the shadows, a force of archers, all cloked in the same manner, came forward with noched and ready bows.
“I am Rihnon of the Pairu tribe. If you are a friend of elves, you are friends of Pairu.”
“We are friends of elves.” murmered Aragorn. ” I am Aragorn, son of Arathron, and this is Legolas, of Mirkwood. Why are your faces cloaked?”
Rihnon removed her hood. Her eyes flashed, and her pale lips and skin were revealed.
“We are the Halflings, therefor we have silver eyes. We are part Elf and part Man. We have the skills and senses of the Elves-but we also bear Man’s Curse. Come, you are welcome to our camp.”
The archers unnotched their arrows.
The camp was like no other. Cheery faces were many, and minstrels played a softbut flowing and wild tune. Animal skin tents sat in a circle, and at the back there was a large lodge that was decorated with carvings.Smoke drifted up into the sky as children chased dogs around.
“We stay in tents because of the Orc-raid a few moons ago. They plummaged and killed many of our mahtar. I orcor are our sworn enemies, and we look to destroy their master-“she paused.”an evil Orc commander called Ja Gadoul has taken the youth from our warriors, and has used it to give himself immortality. He is a dirty trickster that wants our children’s youth too. You must help us.”
Her eyes pleaded and the two gave in.
“Yes, we agree to help you.”
A gong rang out.
“Ah! No, not now. Why now?”
Rihnon cursed and called for the archers from before.
“Positions! The One is coming! Find posts! Find posts! Get the children and elders into the forest! Posts! THey are here!!”
“What is wrong? ”
Rihnon scowled darkly. “Now is the time. We must destroy him.”
Arrows whizzed by, sending several Halflings into the trees, never to breath again.
“Blast…well, here goes.”
She sceemed and loaded her bow.
“For the mahtar!”
And ,with that, the arrow shot away and killed an Orc. Only one. Legolas joined in and shot down many at one time-however, Legolas is know for this.
Volleys of arrows flew down, like a lethal rainshower. Orcs and Halflinds died and Aragorn practically swam in blood. The red sun sank beneath the horizon, like a beacon of war…
“There! Archers, aim for the shadow at the edge of the legion!”
Squeals and yells shattered the sounds of clashing of swords. “Ha! shouted a voice.”You’ll never get me! Prepare to die, foolish one!!”
Aragorn jumped on the large thing’s back and stabbed it. He watched casually as the once great Orc fell bleeding, and dead.
The Night was old when Rihnon said farewell to her guests.
“Thank you, my friends. If you are in need of allies, you know where to find us. “Rihnon smiled.
“Yes, this is certain, and I think we shall meet again.” Legolas claimed, and off they began.
“Argaron! From now on, you will be called Mahta-aran. Warrior-king. We will be honered if you come again!”
And so, the two set off into the sunrise as the thier friend Rihnon waved good-bye.

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