Disclaimer: None of Tolkien’s work belongs to me. The following also do not belong to me: Ren and Stimpy, American Pie, Count Chocula, Zorro, Superman, Snow White, Star Wars, and Ghostbusters. I’m not sure I had to name all those things, but oh well.

Narrator: Little light shown on the street corner by the fire hydrant, but the dim glow of a dying street light defined the silhouette of a lone figure. It was quite short and appeared to be wearing a cape. Suddenly it was joined by three more figures. Flickering back to a steady glow, the streetlight revealed Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin dressed up in costumes for it was, indeed, Halloween.

( P.S. Sorry for the boring, semi-novelistic introduction.)

Frodo: Blah! Hello-Blah!-Merry, Sam-Blah!-and Pippin-Blah! It is good-Blah!-to see you!

Merry: Uh, why are you talking like that?

Frodo: I’m Count Chocula duh! I mean blah!

Pippin: Well stop it!

Frodo: (resentfully) Fine…… So what are y’all s’possed to be for Halloween?

Pippin: I am Zorro! *twirls cape and brandishes sword*

Merry: I am Superman, and Sam is, uh…*looks at Sam who is wearing a blonde wig, white dress, and high heels*……Legolas.

Sam: I’m not Legolas! I’m Marilyn Monroe, you know, the famous movie star!

Everyone Else: Right………

Frodo: *starts walking* Come on. We’re supposed to meet Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli at the ice cream parlor and I don’t want to be late.

~at the Ice Cream Shop~

Narrator: The hobbits go up to the counter and ask the shop owner, Gollum, if he’d seen their friends.

Gollum: Murk…mrph…mumbt….msssss………

Hobbits: ???

Gollum: *pulls off his yoda mask* Look behind you preciouses…

Narrator: The hobbits turn around to see Legolas, dressed as snow white, Gimli, wearing a black kung-fu outfit, and a tall figure draped in toilet paper that could only be Aragorn.

Gimli: Hello Frodo, Pippin, Merry, Sam… Uh, Sam, why are you dressed like Legolas?

Legolas: He’s not dressed like me! He’s dressed like Marilyn Monroe. Very pretty, but not as pretty as me! Snow White! Fairest in the land!

Aragorn: Get over yourself.

Legolas: Be quiet. At least I put effort into my costume. Your mummy costume is pathetic.

Aragorn: (slightly embarrased) It’s not a costume.

Everyone Else: *raise eyebrows*

Aragorn: You see, when I left Minas Tirith and began walking to meet you guys, I saw Gandalf and Saruman and was foolish to go say hello, and to tell them to get off my lawn.

Frodo: And?

Narrator: Aragorn points out the window. They all see Gandalf and Saruman tee-peeing a tree and laughing maniacally.

Everyone: Oh.

Here endeth part one. More to come soon. Please review. Random thought; by the way, Aragorn is a very annoying name to have to type.

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