Gollum slinked over the rocks. He had been travelling for days, and it was only the hunger that kept him going. The land was wet, his feet were cold and he had a terrible hunger. He thought of fish. Cold hard and slimy, or of rabbits, raw and wriggling, but he had no idea why he had returned to the river he once had called home. It was still dark, but he could here the water trickling, and knew he was getting near.

He bounded up to the river and dived straight in, only to find a pain in his forhead. He came up spluttering. “Yellow face rises, precious” he said, “must go, must go and get fish” He put his hand to his head, and felt war blood flowing out.
“Oh, curse the shallow water precious, must go deeper further up precious”

Gollum continued to travel up the river, but his run of unfortunate luck continued. Up ahead he noticed a grey-elf. Gollum cursed again. He hid behind a small shrub.
“Curse, the nasty stinking elveses” he hissed. Gollum picked a small stone, with a sharp jagged edge. He sneaked behind the elf, who was standing looking at the water. He yelled as he slashed down at the elfs back. The elf had very quick reactions, and spun around, GOllums rock came down on his arm, slicing a clean cut. The elf resonded by drawing a knife from his belt and slashing upwards. Gollums felt the knifecut the side of his face, and again warm blood began to flow.

Gollum ran, and threw the stone away, hitting the elf in his upper leg, and sticking in. Arrows followed Gollum as he ran….

To be continued

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