Find me in the darkest of realms,
For I am the light you seek.
Fear not, I shan’t lead you astray,
For I am the one they speak.

Great things you have heard,
But none of them you’ve seen.
I will be the light to guide your path,
And never stray you to things in between.

Shadows of blackness have crept in your eyes,
Your sight becomes distantly far.
Ice starts to freeze your thoughts
Your dreams are being marred.

The sun above you turns dreadfully bleak,
Your soul trembles with terror, stark.
Unknown evils fly in those very clouds
Yet I know you see that flame in the dark.

Innocence is no longer in your heart
And the light of the world fades.
Cool breath is always on your neck,
Noble bodies, to rest have been laid.

Your senses fall to pieces now
As your mind is slowly turned
To evil things we dare not speak of,
For despair of being burned.

Peace is no longer with us,
Faith in the goodness of men wanes,
Fear has corrupted our hearts
But still, hope remains.

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