Summary: yet another list of ways to tell if you’re obssessed with LOTR. Hope you like it!

A/N: This is dedicated to Essilië. Luv ya, Em!

You know you’re obssessed with Lord of the Rings if:

1. You wear the one ring on a chain around your neck. (Mine. My own. My precious.)
2. You call your boss (teacher, dad, etc.) a filthy orc.
3. You’re shocked when your replica of Sting doesn’t glow blue around them.
4. You gave your brother a black eye for saying that guy elves look “girly.”
5. You refer to yourself in the 3rd person and say “Precious” at the end of every sentence. (Yes we do, Precious.)
6. Anytime you see a flock of crows you yell, “Crebain from Dunland, Hide!”
7. You often shout, “I AM NO MAN!” (Sorry guys, I had to include that.)
8. You use the abbreviations LOTR, FOTR, TTT, and ROTK in normal conversation. (Normal? I don’t think I’ve ever had a normal conversation in my life.)
9. You’ve seen Fellowship of the Ring at least 20 times.
10. You named your cat (dog, goldfish, etc.) after a horse (or pony) in Lord of the Rings. (Here, Fatty Lumpkin! Here, Kitty, Kitty, Kitty!)
11. You are currently learning Sindarin or Quenya.
12. You constantly quote Lord of the Rings. (Fly, you fools!)
13. You could watch any movie of the trilogy on mute and still know exactly what everyone was saying. (No subtitles, you cheater!)
14. You’ve written a letter to Peter Jackson, yelling at him for everything he did wrong.
15. You refer to J.R.R. Tolkien as “The Creator.”

If this describes you, you are officially obssessed with Lord of the Rings.
(Dang, pm me! I need someone who actually understands what I’m saying! Maybe, I need an interpreter to talk to non-LOTR freaks! :-P)

A/N: Hate it? Love it? Got something to add? Review, and I might add another list. Namarië!

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