I cannot wait till Return Of The King
To see whether or not Legolas will sing
I wonder how they’ll end it all –
Whether we’ll see the Shire fall,
Which of Saruman’s five deaths we’ll see,
To the cinema we all shall flee.
This film will surely be another classic
Because of all the power and all the magic.
Though it will be sad when it’s all over,
We can watch it again to rediscover –
The laughs, the joys, the sadness and woe
The lovely Legolas and his bow.
We’ll see the King and his beautiful bride
And always remember this thrilling “ride” –
How Frodo was so courageous and brave
And how Boromir went to his early grave.
How Gandalf came “at the turn of the tide”
To help to keep the fellowship alive.
How Gimli provided a laugh and a joke
And the awe that Gollum managed to provoke.
How Sam was so full of loyalty and honour
And how Merry and Pippin were so good together.
The finale is now not all that far away
And December 17th, will be a beautiful day.

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