Jewel of Mirkwood

Author(s): Cee
Rating: R (rating may go up)
Disclaimer: I do not own any recognizable characters from Lord of the Rings, or any other of Tolkien’s work. However, any original characters, belong to me. Please do not use them without my permission.
Pairing: Rumil/OFC
Beta(s): not beta’d
Feedback: Love it, thrive on it!!
Archiving: Only with the Author’s permission
Summary: Fresh out of warden training, Rumil is sent with Haldir to establish good will between Lothlorien and Mirkwood. In Mirkwood rumors are spreading about a secret daughter, of legendary beauty in Thranduil’s household, referred to as “The Jewel of Mirkwood.”

Warnings: Thranduil is not the nicest of guys in this, though he really isn’t a bad guy either.

Chapter 1

Two elves made their way down the dusty road. Haldir and Rumil were being sent to Mirkwood to contact King Thranduil in the hopes of negotiating a sharing of land. Haldir sighed as Rumil began yet another chorus of his favorite traveling song, which to Haldir’s dismay was an original entitled “Rumil the Mighty”.
Haldir realized that Rumil was young and excited about his first mission as a warden of Lorien, but he only had so much patience when his ears were under such an assault. “Brother!” Haldir barked, causing a pause in the lively song. ” Is it really necessary to sing the same song the entire way to Mirkwood?”

Rumil grinned. ” You are right, Haldir.”

Haldir sighed audibly and settled more comfortably into the saddle. ” Thank you Rumil, there is hope for you yet.”

“My thanks to you brother, such praise from you is a high honor indeed.” Rumil’s grin grew as he took a deep breathe and began singing again, another song praising his many daring deeds.

Haldir sighed in relief as the trees of Mirkwood came into sight..” Thank the Valar we are nearly there. Rumil, that is quite enough. We are nearing the forest and I would prefer it if we did not announce our presence to any of its less friendly inhabitants.”

“How deep into the woods do the spiders dwell? ” Rumil asked ending his song.

” I shouldn’t think the spiders will be too much of an issue. I am told that Thranduil is sending Legolas to meet us at the borders. We should be seeing him any moment.”

“Not likely, unless I wish you to see me.” Legolas replied coming from the nearby shadows.

“Do you not ever tire of that?” Haldir asked annoyed by the fact that the Prince of Mirkwood had so easily taken him off guard, even though this was an ongoing tradition between the two. Anywhere but Mirkwood and Legolas was unable to best the March Warden, but here in his own realm, few could equal Legolas’ woodland skills.

“Never.” Legolas laughed. ” Why do you complain so? I would think my old tutor would be pleased by the fact that I had taken his lessons to heart.”

“One day you will be in my realm and then you shall see how much you still have to learn.” Haldir smirked. Then changing the subject he motioned to Rumil, who astonishingly enough had remained quiet during this interlude. Something Haldir would be forever thankful for. ” Legolas, this is my brother, Rumil. He just recently became a warden. The Lord and Lady thought this would be a good errand for him to cut his teeth on.”

Rumil shot his brother an evil glare. ” I am not an elfling, brother, must you make me appear so?”

” I do not make you appear as an elfling, you do the job quite well without any help from me.”

Legolas watched the exchange with extreme amusement.” Ah, siblings, are they not wonderful?”

“That statement proves that you have none.” Haldir retorted as Rumil snorted in agreement..

Legolas’ smile faded and a strange look crossed his face. ” You are right, my friend. I have no sis-siblings.” Then he grew quiet.

” Perhaps we should be on our way. I am sure your father waits, and as I recall that is not something he is fond of doing.” Haldir smiled at Legolas, puzzled by the strange reaction.

” Not to mention the fact that I am famished and tired of listening to the two of you.” Rumil added urging his horse forward.

Legolas suppressed a laugh as Rumil rode past him. ” Well, it would seem the young one has spoken.”

” I heard that!” Rumil shouted from up ahead.

Haldir rolled his eyes. ” Now do you see why I’m so eager to get to your father. I feel that for Rumil’s sake I should be allowed some time away from him or I fear I will be unaccountable for my actions.”

Legolas laughed and lead his horse from the nearby trees. ” Very well then. Come let us catch up with him before he ends up being dinner for a spider.”


” Hail, Thranduil, King of the Woodland realm of Mirkwood. We thank you for your hospitality and humbly honor you with a gift of our appreciation.” Haldir bowed in front of Thranduil’s throne giving the speech that he had prepared. At his mention of the gift, Rumil stepped forward and handed a small bundle to the elf at Thranduil’s side. Thranduil inclined his head slightly, indicating that the gift was accepted and that Haldir could now take on a more relaxed air.

” It is a pleasure to receive guests from our kin of the Golden Wood. Rest, there will be enough time for business in the days that follow. I am sure you are both weary.” Thranduil waved his hand, Haldir and Rumil stood and resumed their positions along the wall as the King continued with other business of court.


Rumil was bored and restless. When Haldir had told him that he would be coming to Mirkwood, he had envisioned adventure,and excitement, not standing in a dim hall listening to the court lackeys drone on and on about the taxing of river routes.
Rumil’s mind and eyes began to wander. He found himself ridiculously fascinated by the design on a tapestry hanging behind the king’s throne. He continued his close scrutiny of the wall hanging until to his surprise he realized that it was looking back at him. Peeking out from behind the tapestry was the pale face of an elf maiden. Rumil smiled slightly and bowed his head.

Her deep blue eyes went wide at his greeting, and her cheeks flushed an even rosier red. She glanced around the room as if fearful. Then shyly, she returned his smile and in turn nodded her own head, a wisp of golden hair falling across her forehead.


Legolas stood at attention to the right of his father’s throne. He was slightly annoyed by his father’s quick dismissal of Haldir and Rumil. He glanced in their direction worried that they had been offended. The last thing Mirkwood needed was to make more enemies, not with the shadows growing once again.
It was at that moment that he saw Rumil smile and nod in his direction. Legolas furrowed his brow in confusion, was the young elf nodding at him? No, he was clearly looking past the throne. Legolas turned his head following Rumil’s gaze.
His eyes widened as he saw the face looking out from behind the tapestry. He glared at the young elleth, feeling both panic and anger. The moment she saw his face, hers disappeared. Legolas glanced at his father, hoping that he had not seen the eavesdropper.

This story is nominated for Best Het at the MPA awards. If you would like to vote the link is

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