I know that in FotR it says that Sam Gamgee was the youngest son, which was why he took over the gardening, but again IÂ’ve decided to tweak that (Alex didnÂ’t like gardening anyway, so he hasnÂ’t stolen Sams job.)

Paladin Took did not rouse himself to anger often, but when he did, watch out.

“What,” he said slowly, his voice shaking with suppressed rage, “Is this?”

Cath stared at the water, and left the explaining to Pippin. Which of course, he couldnÂ’t do.

Pippin hated this part. The explaining. To be caught guilty with all evidence pointing against you and a grownup staring at you with a ‘this-explanation-had-better-be-good-lad’ expression on their face was definitely top on his ‘things to do’ list.

“Um…well da, we decided….”

“Perigrin Took, spit it out!”

Pippin winced. His full name was being used. Another bad sign. He hung his head.

“We don’t really have a reason Da.” Cath stared at the water, hoping to what she prayed was a bad dream.

Paladin nodded shakily, “I thought so. Beriliac!” A handsome hobbit-lad stepped forward, looking slightly nervous, “Take Miss Gamgee home. Straight home.”

Beriliac shrugged, “Come on then Cath,”

Cath got up and shook her hair. Little beads of water splashed on the Thain and his son, “Just….get going, you two. I will be writing to your father about this, Miss Gamgee,” Paladin snapped, brushing the water off his waistcoat. Cath visibly paled.

Pippin stared at the water, glancing up at Cath. She pulled a face and mouthed, ‘Good Luck!’. It didn’t exactly comfort him.

Beriliac waited until they were out of earshot before bursting into peals of laughter, “How cool was that!” he exclaimed, “Even me an’ Merry never managed to do something like that, or get old Paladin as steamed up as that. How did you do it?”

Cath looked back at the two Tooks, the Thain bearing down on his son, “Pure skill, Berialac,” she smiled, “Pure skill.”


Twenty-five minutes later Cath and Berialac were standing outside of number three, Bagshot Row. To the common observer, youÂ’d think a Civil War had broken out.

“No way, Beriliac, you are *not* going to tell my family why I am like this! My Grandmother would barbeque me!”

Beriliac shrugged, “Not my problem. Paladin told me to tell your family why you are sopping wet, so I have to don’t I?”

“He’s already writing to tell my Da, what more does he want?”

“I don’t know. But go back and ask him for all I care. I’m sure the Thain will be extremely pleased with being told he is a mad-man.”

Cath groaned, “Say one word about me being soaking wet and I tell your Mum about all your visits to the Green Dragon when you were meant to be studying.”

It was Beriliac’s turn to pale, “How about neither of us say anything, huh?”

“You’ve got yourself a deal,” Cath smirked, “And it’s not like we’re *lying*, or anything….”

“No,” Beriliac smirked, “Just bending the truth and saving each others lives,”

“Exactly. Now go on, shoo, go back home like a good little Brandybuck,” Beriliac cuffed her over the head, “Ah, it’s good to get away with things,” she muttered.

She went round into the garden and came to a dead halt, “Well, well, well,” she smirked, “Looks like I’m not the only one who’s lying around here.”


“For the last time, we were not kissing!” Marigold exclaimed, “We just…we just….”

“Yeah, right,” Cath leant against the kitchen wall casually, obviously enjoying the embarrassment she was causing her sister, “You and Tom Cotton squashed up against the wall, obviously kissing, and what am I meant to think? You were practising CPR?”

“….No….Obviously not something as stupid as that….” Marigold searched through her brain for an excuse, “Tom….tripped over and I caught him…and we kind of…bashed into each other. So there!”

“Ya-huh….” Cath shook her head, “You really expect me to believe that, do you?”

“It’s true!” Tom exclaimed, trying hard to ignore his cheeks turning a particularly bright shade of red.

Peal after peal of laughter exploded from under the kitchen sink. Marigold frowned and bent down to open the cupboard door and squealed. Jolly, Nick and Nibs tumbled out.

“Hullo guys,” Cath grinned, trying to stop herself bursting into laughter, “Why in Middle Earth were you down there?”

“Spying,” Jolly choked out, “We were helping Sam with the gardening and we felt a little….”

“….Bored….Tired….Needing to use our talents in another way in the garden….” Nick carried on,

“So we decided to take a little walk…” the youngest Cotton piped up,

“And guess who we found?”

“Only our dear older brother…”

“Looking decidedly…”

“Love sick….”



“And thinking only of…” Jolly gave a dramatic little pause, “Marigold…..” Marigold slapped Jolly over the head, “Ow!”

“So, we decided to….”

“….Help him along a bit…..”

“By telling him….”

“If he went into the little garden…”

“He’d find something that would…(ahem)….*interest* him…..”

“Then we went into your house….”

“And found….”

“Lemme guess,” Cath smiled sweetly at her sister, “Marigold?”

“Got it in one,” Nibs grinned.

“Looking love sick?”


“And pining?”

“Brilliant deduction….”

“And thinking only of….Tom?” Cath spluttered.

“The girl’s a genius,” Nibs declared, “So we then said….”

“If *she* went into the little garden….”

“ *She’d* find something….”

“That would interest *her*….”

“And we waited….”

“And sneaked out….”

“And watched….”

“What happened?” Cath asked, a grin spreading over her features.

“Oh, they seemed surprised at first…”

“And unfortunately…”

“They seemed to think…”

“It was just….”

“A joke…..”

“But then….”

“They were edging….”

“A little bit closer….”

“And seemed to look…”

“A little bit happier….”

“And then….”

“They started kissing….” Nibs smirked at the look on the two’s faces…

“So we decided to scarper…”

“For the good of the prank….”

“And so we didn’t get killed…..”

“And….” Cath smirked., “You must have only just gotten in when I turned up….”

“Oh no Cath,” Jolly corrected her, “By my calculations they must have been snogging for at least ten minutes….”

“EEWWW!” Cath exclaimed.

“How’d you even know I fancied her?” Tom grumbled.

“Oh, my dear brother!” Nick exclaimed, “I think we heard you mention it….”


“Or twice….”

“A minute…”

“All year…..”

“Alright! I get the point!”

“And as for you sis,” Cath told an astonished looking Marigold, “You’ve been very odd all year….”

“Jumping at the bell…” May laughed as she came in the room.

“Staring wistfully at the lads when the were working….”

“Cath actually thought you had a crush on Jolly at first!”

“I’d never be so deluded!” Marigold protested, while Jolly mimed being sick.

“Anyway….I noticed my drawing of Tom I did when I was feeling bored…..”

“Had gone missing….”

“And then I found it in your desk drawer……”

“I was wondering why you went all snappy when I asked to go in there for a new sheet of paper….”

“Alright, alright! Stop going on about it!” Cath and Nick’s smirks grew wider, “Is it any of your business in the first place?


“But we thought we might as well help….”

“Yeah…well…” Marigold hung her head and muttered the next words so quietly, “Thanks anyway.”

“What!” Cath exclaimed gleefully, “Can I have that in writing please?”

“Yeah…sorry for being so mad…” This made Nick and Nibs crow with delight.

“Sorry, I couldn’t quite hear you…..”

“I’m sorry…..” Marigold was sounding a little ticked off now. Cath took a step backwards.

“I don’t think they heard you at the back….”

“I’m sorry!” A little louder this time.


“I’m sorry; I’M SORRY!”

Cath stifled a snigger, “Oh, shut up Cath,” Tom muttered, “And there’s something I want to ask, why are you sopping wet?”

All Caths self-righteous glow just about took flight then, “Erm….I…fell.”

Marigold looked confused, “Eh?”

“I tripped and fell. In Bywater Pool,” she added for extra help.

“And that would be why your wrist is just hanging from your arm….”


“Right…..” In spite of all his feigned suspicion, Tom didn’t really believe Cath was lying. After all, why would she? Cath had always been a stickler for the truth. Most of the time.


PippinÂ’s luck, however, was not quite as good as CathÂ’s.

“You’re a total disgrace to me, Perigrin Took!” his father exploded as soon as they got in the Smial, “Running off with that horse when I expressively told you not to…you’re the Thains son for Eru’s sake! How you’re going to become Thain is almost impossible from where I’m standing!”

N/B: Saying for EruÂ’s sake would be the equivalent of saying for Gods sake here.

Pippin bit his lip, “Da, I swear, I didn’t know it would cause that much trouble….”

“You mean you didn’t think! Heaven’s, you never think! You’re a disgrace to all our family!”

Pippin stared at the floor. He couldnÂ’t look up, because he knew if he did, heÂ’d start crying. Not because of what he had done, or because of his DadÂ’s fury, but of what was going to happen to him.

Someone took his wrist, “Come on Pip. Don’t worry Da, I’ll let you yell at him later.” Pippin sighed. So much for deliverance then.

He felt himself being pulled along one of the many halls in the Great Smials, “What on earth did you do that for then?”

Pippin shrugged, “You know then?”

“Duh! Everyone knows!” Pimpernel exclaimed. Pippin was glad it wasn’t Pervinca or Pearl. Pearl would just act all snobbish and Vinca…..well, he didn’t want to think about it.

“Well…I didn’t *know* that would happen…..”

“Why didn’t you do what Da told you? And why did you let Cath get on?”

“Because…..she wanted to?” It was a poor excuse and they both knew it.

“Pippin you could have killed her! Three people down at Bywater are seriously injured, and all because you didn’t think about it! Heavens above!”

Pippin gasped. He didn’t expect this from the one sister he could confide in, “I…didn’t mean it..” he mumbled out pitifully.

“Yeah….well. I think you’d better go over to Hobbiton and apologise to Cath.”

Pippin looked up, “Now?”

His sister nodded grimly, “Now.”

“And how, may I ask, am I going to get there?”

Pimpernel paused for a second, “Good point. Come with me.”
Pippin followed his sister down the passageways of the Great Smials, out to the stables, where she pointed out along the whole of Tuckborough.

“All of that, one day, you’ll have to take charge of,” she told him, “From the smallest tree to the youngest child, you’ll have to look after them all,” Pippin looked up sharply, “Do you know who was here today Pip?”

He shrugged, “No.”

“Reginard Tooks dad. He doesn’t want to be Thain. To much responsibility, he says.”

Pippin, staring over the green hills, said nothing.

“Da is angry. He says he doesn’t know what’ll happen once you become Thain.”

Pippin snorted, “That’s nice of him.”

“But perfectly reasonable, seeing what you did today.” Pimpernel sighed and look out again, “With great power comes great responsibility, you know that Pip? And from what I see….”

“I know, I know,” Pippin sighed, “I’m ready for neither. I mean, look at me!”

Pimpernel stepped back, “I am Pip. And you know what I see? A scared young lad, who is ready to show everyone his worth, but who can’t go about it in the right way for his eagerness.”

Pippin shrugged, “I guess.”

“Right then. Buck up, you have a long ride ahead. Samson always takes at least two days getting there, for some unfathomable reason. Samson!” A burly hobbit stepped out of the smial and nodded, “Take the cart to the Cottons will you? You know where to get off from there,” she added in a whisper to her kid brother. Pippin smiled weakly.

“Hey up!” Samson shouted to the ponies. They started moving.

“Get on, get on!” Pimpernel hissed. Pippin jumped up, “Good luck.”

Pippin shrugged. It was uncomfortable on the back of the cart, but if he admitted it, he was going to be feeling a lot worse when he got there.


Cath rubbed her wrist. It was still feeling sore, after being strapped into place by Marigold. Two days, and no sign of Pippin. YouÂ’d think heÂ’d at least apologise. She thought bitterly, IÂ’m not sure IÂ’ll be taking the apology when it comes.

On the good side, however, no sign of the letter. The Thain obviously must have more important things on his mind.

Cath leant back on her bed and looked at the squirming baby next to her. Poor thing, she thought. Still, itÂ’s good to know someone will be sympathetic when my Da tries to kill me. Even if all Alex does is gurgle.


The lass sat up straight. Was that just her imagination, orÂ…Â….

“Cath!” Nope, definitely not imagination.

Bess’ head popped up from under the window sill, “Hiya!”

“Bess! Get in quickly,” Bess vaulted in over the window sill, her coat and shawl wrapped round her like bandages, “Cold out?” Bess nodded speechlessly, “That’s a good thing about being confined indoors, lots of warmth.”

Bess nodded, “Your Da not found out yet?”

“No, Mari just thinks I should be confined in here till my wrist recovers…..” Cath stared at her friend suspiciously, “Waaiit a second…..How did *you* find out?”

“My mother heard it in the market and told me.”

Cath shrugged, “Should have known the queen of gossip would tell you.”

“Hey!” Bess shoved her. Alex let out a gurgle, “Oh my gosh!” Bess exclaimed, “What is that?”

Cath looked at her sceptically, “It’s a baby.”

“I…I know it’s a baby but….what’s it doing?”

Cath peered over at Alex, “It’s sleeping.”

“Yeah, but….who is it. Whose is it?” Bess let out a gasp and looked at Cath, “Has May been having her wicked way with Bill Brockhouse?”

Cath shoved her, “No!!! Don’t be daft!”


Cath picked up the baby and patted it fondly, “His name is Alex,” she told Bess, “He’s my brother.”


Pippin jumped off the cart as it began to pull into the CottonÂ’s farm, trying to dodge the windows of neighbouring holes. He was hungry, cramped, thirsty, and desperately tired.

“Bloody Pimpernel making me go all the way to bloody Hobbiton in the back of a bloody cart for two bloody days just to apologise to bloody Cath for a bloody accident I didn’t bloody mean!” he scowled, kicking a stone along the path, “Hasn’t she thought of what may happen if her family sees me? As in the last time they saw me I had just caused her to pass out? Oh yeah, real, *real* good idea Nell.”

“Oi, Pippin!”

Pippin groaned and turned round slowly to see Rosie hurrying down the hill, “Hullo Rosie.”

Rosie had no time for greetings, “What the heck are you doing down here? Your Da’s ridden down to Hobbiton to look for you!”

Pippin had to grab the side of the fence to stop him fainting , “He’s….he’s what??” he squeaked.

“Yup. Come down here ‘cos he thinks you’re here, probably to cause even more havoc.”

Pippin mentally kicked himself, “Oh great. I am really enjoying this trip.”


“I didn’t even know you *had* a brother!” Bess exclaimed as she balanced Alex on her knee, “I mean, he must be, what? Three or four months old? So he must have been born….”

“The day my mum died, yeah,” Cath shrugged.

Bess looked at her, “He looks so scrawny! Are you sure he isn’t new born?”

“No, he isn’t new-born. I just….neglected my duties as an older sister, that’s all.”

Cath smiled as her memory went back to the fateful dayÂ….

“They’re not in here indeed!” Frodo snapped at Merry, “Honestly Merry, if you had actually looked, you could have saved us a lot of trouble.” Merry, for once, was looking ashamed of his actions, and said so.

“But what’s going on?” Cath asked, as she dragged up the ladder by Sam, “What’s all the fuss about Sam, there’s been tons of noise, and you could wake Mum, and your not being very considerate to her are you?”

Sam stared down at Cath in horror, “Don’t worry Cathy, just hurry *up*.”

“I don’t understand!” Cath exclaimed.

“Merry, you take Pip out, I’m sure he won’t want to be around.” Frodo told Merry, who agreed.

“Frodo….let…go…of…my….arm!” Cath wrenched herself free, “What on earth…?”

“Hurry *up* Cath.” Sam snapped, pulling her into their parents room.

“MAMA!!” Cath yelled. All of her brothers and sisters, together with her father, were standing round her mothers bed. Bell herself was lying, as pale as chalk, on the bed, clutching a bundle of rags. Her face was moist, no matter how many times Marigold fervently tried to wipe it with the dish rag, her hands were trembling hard, and her breath made awful rasping noises.

“Come here Cath,” she murmured hoarsely. Cath shuffled forward, and Bell pushed the poor baby into the girls arms, “You…you must look after the child….See that he grows up a fine a lad as your brothers and father..” She gestured around at the crying family.

Tears were streaming down Caths face, “Mama…I don’t want you to die…”

“Sit by me Cath…” Bell whispered. As she began to talk, one by one, the rest of the family gave her one last hug and kiss and departed, leaving Cath on her own, “You’re going to have to let me go….”

“No!” Cath wailed, “I won’t let you go….”

“Lovey….if you love….me you’ll let me go….. “ Bell’s voice began to shake.

“I love you Mama….”

“I know you do. Cath…I love you too….”

Cath started to cry again, “If you love me then why are you going!?”

“Cath…I won’t go with a struggle….Cath, I love you. And one day…we will meet again.. But now, you’re going to have to go on without me. Cath, one day, you shall marry a fine, lovely young man who loves you even more than I do. Cath, love is a
precious thing….you mustn’t waste it. Promise me…you will never waste your love…”

“I won’t.”

“Good…Cath, look after the child……”

Cath ran out as her motherÂ’s head flopped back on the pillow for the last time, the tiny scrap still in her arms. At this discovery she wheeled into Marigold and MayÂ’s room and thrust the child onto the nearest bed. She stared down at the lad.

He was scrawny, red and wriggling. Cath scowled. It didnÂ’t take a genius to work out Bell Gamgee had died in childbirth.

“I hate you,” Cath spat, and ran out of the room.

She swung herself straight into Frodo.

“Cath? Cath, slow down….”

“No!” Cath yelled, “The stupid thing’s in there, you can see it if you want!” She ran off again.

A day later, and she found herself being led into her hole by Merry, “You’ve gotta stay there Cath,” Merry muttered anxiously, “You can’t run off anymore.”

Cath only looked at him, staring him out until he had to duck his gaze.

“Cath?” Cath looked round to see Estella. All the affection in the older lass’ eyes turned into her mother’s, and she started crying again.

“Oh, Cath, I’m so sorry!” Estella exclaimed. Cath clung to her and wept like a tiny child. She couldn’t move.

Merry fiddled with his coat pocket awkwardly, “Hadn’t we better get Cath inside? You know…..”

He didn’t finish. Estella stood up straight, eyes burning, “Give her a moment for heavens sake!” she snapped.

Merry glared at her, “All I’m saying is….”

Estella interrupted him again, “Don’t you think Cath would like maybe not to go in there? She did run away, after all.”

Cath stumbled inside on her own, letting the snaps and shouts of Estella and Merry wash over her. What did it matter? Her mother was dead, and that was all that counted.

She heard a little patter of feet behind her. Glancing in the little crooked mirror that hung in the hall, she could see PippinÂ’s small, anxious face in it.

She quickened her pace. The last thing she needed was Pippin to talk to herÂ…Â…


She walked quicker again. And then she came opposite her parents room. She could see her Da bending over a figure lying on the bed. Her mother.

She started running. She could hear her Da get up in surprise, coming out and talking to Pippin aboutÂ….something. What did it matter? None in the slightest.

She could hear Marigold and May crying in their shared bedroom. She dashed past, until she could go no further. She unhooked one of the windows and grimly swung both legs over the window sill. She shuffled up to Bag End.

Someone was talking to Mister Bilbo and Frodo. It was Sam.

She watched as Frodo hugged him, not like a bored relative, but as a kind friend.

No-one was hugging her.

She walked slowly into Bag EndÂ’s garden, where her mother had spent many hours, talking to Mister Bilbo and helping with the gardening, though her Da had said it wasnÂ’t a ladyÂ’s profession. Her Mama had just laughed and carried on.

No-one would be hearing BellÂ’s laughter again.

Cath sat underneath a bush. It was her favourite bush, the one she always hid under for hide-and-seek. Everyone knew where sheÂ’d be when they played, but they left her there any way.

A rustling noise came from in front of her. She looked up and saw a jacket suspended in mid-air. Rich material, with a darkish colour. Not one of her brotherÂ’s then.

Frodo’s head ducked down to level with her own, “Fancy coming out now Cath?” he asked, softly and kindly.

Cath looked at him stiffly, “Mama’s dead,” she told him, “And I don’t want to come out.”

“I know you don’t,” Frodo told her, “But wouldn’t your mother like you to come out?”

“Don’t tell me what my mother would want!” Cath snapped at him, “You don’t know what she’d want.”

“I know,” Frodo smiled, almost shyly, “Don’t you remember I had to have both my parents die?”

Yes, Cath did remember, “Sorry,” she muttered.

Frodo shrugged, “That’s okay.” Quickly, he bent down and picked Cath up, lifting her out of the bush and down onto the floor.

“Are you going to let us look after you Cath?”

Cath stared up at him. Only her mother could look after her. But nowÂ…

“I…guess so.” Suddenly Cath was sure, “I know so.” She flung her arms round Frodo’s neck and hugged him for all she was worth.

After what seemed an age she let go. Frodo smiled warmly at her, “Come on then,” he said, “Let’s go back.”

Two more days and the last of the tears were beginning to dry up, “Cathy?” Marigold called weakly. “Can you go down to the market and get some milk? Please?”

Cath came out of her room, coughing and rubbing her forehead. She coughed again – and again, “Mari, I got this cough…” she muttered.

Marigold sighed, waiting.

“And my chest hurts and I feel all wobbly and I have a boiling forehead. I feel pretty lousy.”

“Tough. Take, get the usual and be back soon,” Marigold snapped, shoving a couple of coins into Cath’s fist, “And don’t make excuses.” Cath tripped out the door, muttering under her breath, “And haven’t you forgotten something?”

Her little sister wheeled round to come face to face with her little brother, “Oh, you have *got* to be kidding me.”

“The fresh air will do him good. You have to take him.”

“You know I can’t stand the sight of the little blighter! Why do I have to take him…?”

“Take. *Now*.”

Grumbling, Cath took the little squirming bundle and headed out the door, “Stop squirming.” she ordered it grumpily. The little baby looked up, obviously displeased.

“I mean it. Otherwise do you know what I am going to do?” She walked over to the little bridge over the stream and held the child over it, “I am going to give you an early bath.”

The baby glared at Cath with narrowed eyes, and shrieked his displeasure at the idea.

“Oh, will you please SHUT UP!!” Cath snapped, her usual placid temper getting the better of her, “I didn’t mean it.”

The baby’s mouth shut with an audible click, “Oh, that is so much better,” Cath muttered, relieved, “Oi!” She yelped as the baby proceeded to try and burrow into her waistcoat, “None of that.” She picked him up and put him back on the edge of her arms, “I’m not getting chummy or nothing. I just like it when you’re quiet is all.”

The baby just lay there and beamed up at her, as if knowing the girlÂ’s fondness was growing for the little imp. Even now CathÂ’s heart was starting to warm towards him. But was she going to admit it? Dream on.

Ten minutes later and Cath was heading back home, five pints of milk in the wicker basket they used, “You see, it’s rather nice when you don’t scream,” she informed her brother, “My head doesn’t feel like it’s going to explode quite so much…..” She trailed off at the sight of Ted Sandyman and his brothers blocking the road.

“Oh……..damn.” Cath muttered under her breath, “This, my young brother, is one of the many reasons why it is bad to run into the Sandyman louts. Particularly when you’ve just shoved two of them in mud.”

“There’s the little twerp!” Ted yelled, and soon the whole lot were surrounding her.

“What you got there, kiddy?” Bill asked, a broad grin over his thin features.

“N’owt to do with you,” she snapped.

“O-oh, get her!” Ted smirked, putting one hand on the ‘bundle’, “Come on Cath, give over.”

Cath narrowed her eyes. A second later, all the boys stepped back from her.

Cath was a little shocked. But then she realised what was going on. Her little baby brother had his mouth in the shape of a giant ‘O’, and he was howling with all his might.

“What the heck?” Olco grunted. Cath rolled her eyes. But then Ted made his second mistake.

“The stupid thing won’t shut up!” he exclaimed. And prodded the baby.

Even Cath winced as the lad shrieked, louder than ever.

“Scarper lads!” Cath looked up just to see Old Noakes walk over, shaking his head as the boys ran off.

“Hullo Cath,” he smiled and winced as the baby’s shrieks began to die down, “What have you got in there, a tortured cat?”

Cath smiled whole-heartedly. It was no unknown fact that Old NoakesÂ’ wife owned cats, sixty all told some would say, and that Old Noakes detested the sight of every one of them. It is only fair to say the cats found the arrangement agreeable, and did the same courtesy to Old Noakes.

“No, Mister,” she grinned, and for the first time smiled warmly down at her little brother, “He’s my baby brother.”

Old Noakes’s face lit up with a rare smile, “Well I never! And what’s his name?”

Cath paused. She looked down at the little child. A name, a name for this little bundle of shrieks and laughs. A name sprang to mind.

“Alex,” she said firmly, “His name’s Alex.”

‘Alex’ gurgled delightedly and used a tiny fist to punch Cath in the arm.


“It suits him, don’t you think?” Cath grinned.

“If I knew what it means, which I don’t.”

“Neither do I. But who cares! He looks like an Alex, at any rate.”

“If we knew what an Alex looked like, which we don’t.”

“Oh well.”

Bess chuckled, “Hey, imagine that; Ted Sandyman being scared of your little brother, eh?”

“Yeah,” Cath smiled, “Each time I go down to the market now I take him, and Ted’s scared stiff of him! Poor sod.”

Alex gurgled his appreciation but Bess frowned, “Cath, you’re feeling sorry for *Ted Sandyman*,” she stressed her point.

Cath shrugged, “Have you *heard* Alex shrieking? Yeah, I didn’t think so.”

Bess opened her mouth to say something, but before she could, they heard DaisyÂ’s voice (irritated, as usual).

“Cath, the Took boy wants to see you.”

Cath rolled her eyes and muttered something under her breath, just as Pippin came in looking very sheepish. Luckily, Bess was thereÂ…

“Hi, Pippin! My mum heard what happened, you two are *such* idiots! You do know you could have been killed? My ma said Cath had almost drownded, I mean, look at her wrist, it was almost hanging off, you know….”

Pippin didn’t seem too happy with Bess’ chatter, “Yeah, thanks Bess.” He shrugged and sat down beside Cath, “Cor, whats that!” he yelped as Alex gave another gurgle.

“It’s Cath’s baby brother, Alex. Don’t you think he’s sweet? Cath says he looks like an Alex, but I don’t think he does, you know how would you tell. I mean to one person you may look like a Perigrin, but to someone else you may look more like a Merry.”

“Cath, d’you want a drink or something?” Sam yelled.

“Thank Eru,” Cath thought, “Well, looks like Pippin has no intention of apologising, and while Bess’ gabbling on is certainly making *him* feel awkward, it’s certainly starting to annoy *me*,” She turned round as she went through the door and motioned the others to hurry up, “And I don’t think Pippin’s going to say a word to me at all! Really, I believe he’s starting to like being fussed over by Bess! That’s the trouble with lads. They always fancy younger lasses but older lasses always pet them; it’s something to do with toy boys, or something like that, I think.” An observation which many women have made.

“Post!” Marigold hollered above the din. The seventeen year old skipped round, throwing letter at everyone, “Boring, boring, boring. Hamson, your girlfriend’s written *again*, looks like a flipping *novel*, May, some bills.”

“We’re going to have to cut down a bit,” Daisy muttered sagely.

“You lasses stop buying so many dresses, we’ll be fine.” Sam shrugged from the table where him and Halfred were playing cards.

“We do not buy so many dresses, dummy,” Marigold batted him over the head with the last letter. She then looked at it.

“Cor, look at that!” she exclaimed.

“What, what is it?” A clamour of voices went up.

“It *looks* like it’s from To….Oi!”

Sam snatched the letter from her, Halfred snatched it from him, and soon the thing was an all round scuffle.

“Here, lemme…” Daisy snatched it away from May and slapped everyone’s hands away, “Cool!”

“What?” Cath asked from the doorway.

“It’s from Tookland! It almost looks like it may be from the Thain!”

Cath and Pippin exchanged looks, “Oh…….crud.”

“What’s from the Thain?” the Gaffer asked as he came in, “Oh, this letter! Cath, do you know anything about this?”

Cath shook her head, “Pippin might though.” She turned to point at her friend, only to discover he’d scampered! “I’m gonna kill him,” she muttered.

“I wonder what it’s about.” Sam said.

“Um…yeah. Listen, I’m just going to go for a quick walk, I won’t take that long….” And with saying so, Cath hurried out the door.

“Cath don’t you want to read it?” Halfred hollered after her.


Cath ran down the road. She knew she only had a few minutes beforeÂ…Â…


So there is another chapter of my story. Please review it, I need reviews to know what people think. So either review me or PM me. Okay, bye!

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