Lady Daewen dark as night
Unto grief fate bore you
Shadowy is thy misted heart
And darkness lies before you

Flee from the light! O hateful dawn!
In shadow thou shalt dwell
With sorrow black as ashes
For the dark thou knowest well

Ere sun or moon adorned the sky
Thy father himself slew
Of him thou seest only blood
Upon the morning dew

Thy mother hath departed
And drifted o’er the seas
Though she is gone her voice is heard
Upon the twilit breeze

Be still, O Lady Daewen
For naught hast thou to fear
Thy song doth sear the starlight cold
So chilling, keen and clear

‘To the night I give my wretched soul’
Thou criest out in grief
Thy heart aflame with rage and love
Beneath the whispering leaves

Thy hair as black as raven night
Thy spirit bright as day
Thine eyes as deep as twilight soft
Thy love now far away.

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