Browning forest was his cloak; green of leaves his hood
Bearing father’s message he rode forth from shadowed wood
Golden sunlight in his hair, ocean waves his eyes
He gazed ahead to Imladris as the sun did rise.
Tall and proud like Elven king he stood for all to see
As he spoke his message beneath the fading trees
Stride swift as River Running, flowing through the dale
He walked along untroubled; his spirit would not fail
Like a breeze across the snow, no footprint did he leave
He walked ahead with knowing stride through both cold and heat.
Silent as a shadow, unnoticed by prying eyes
He walked the halls of Khazad-dum, Gandalf by his side.
Pain within his broken heart like axe-strike to a tree
He stood alone and sorrowing, his pain hidden from all to see
Speech of saddened waters, telling tales from days of old
He walked nearby his new-made friends under trees gold
Looking to the heavens like flower to the sun
He sang of Gil-Galad and the deeds that he had done.
Tears unshed shone in his eyes like salty ocean spray
When Frodo left for Mordor and Boromir was slain.
Fast as running water, agile as a deer
He raced ahead of Aragorn, oblivious to fear.
Like a lasting wind that still continues on;
Running through the rain, unflinching in the sun
Bowing to his captain as to Elbereth the fair
He looked upon Gandalf, now white in cloak and hair.
Riding into Edoras like Sun into the sky
He saw the Lady Eowyn go swiftly flitting by.
Agile, fearless hunter, running ’round the Deep
Watching as those around him fell into eternal sleep.
Walking into darkness like fly to spider’s snare
Wondering if death would come while they remained down there.
Flying into battle like arrow from the string
Bowing to the hope of men when he was hailed as King.
Like a ancient stone weathering through the storm
He watched as Lady Evenstar to the citadel was borne
Tending to the trees like Tom kept eye upon the fen
Living in his Woodland home beside these mortal men.
Watching his King weather, and slowly bend to time
Seeing Lady flee in tears and knowing Hope had died.
Building ship like swan, setting out to sea,
Sailing far into the west, no more by mortals seen.

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