Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN LORD OF THE RINGS! Okay, there, I said it. I do not own Lord of the Rings. Tolkien does, and likewise, he’s the real author of this story, not me. I’m just… that guy who decided to interprate it a little different.

The Lord of the Rings
Modernized Fanfiction

Part 1
The Fellowship of the Ring


Several years ago, a powerful mafia group arose in western Russia. They called themselves M.O.R.D.O.R, and they sought to return the Soviet Union to a state of communism. Their leader was a man who went by the alias “Czaron.” Czaron sought to strike the world by creating a supercomputer and then using a special helmet to transfer his brain’s commands to every computer in the world. He could destroy governments, transfer money, and virtually destroy the world.

But all of these programs were locked, and could be opened only by a special key. This key would be kept with Czaron at all times until the moment he was ready to unleash his attack.

This key came in the form of a ring. Czaron wore it on his right hand, and he would plug it into the computer when the time was right.

All would have gone as planned, but for an informant inside M.O.R.D.O.R., who tipped off the U.S. and British governments. The leaders of those countries met and decided that a small task force would be created. Its mission: Infiltrate the M.O.R.D.O.R. tower, a massive tower that housed the supercomputer and served as the headquarters for the mafia group.

The two leaders chose a commanding officer from each nation. Eric Ronald, a paranormal investigator working directly for the United States, and Isaac Don, the heir to the throne of England, were selected to lead the group. The mission was top secret, and only the team and the leaders knew about the mission.

Eric, Isaac, and their team snuck into the building. After a fierce firefight with guards, they rushed into the room. Czaron was seated in a chair, a metallic dish over his head. The disk was sparking, and Eric knew that the transfer had begun. He ordered the soldiers not to shoot the machine, as a spark in the wrong place could blow them all up. In the split second he was trying to figure out what to do, something happened.

Isaac rushed the computer. Snipers fired from beams above them, but they missed. Isaac seized the ring from its resting place in the wall of the computer. A shockwave blasted Isaac back, and the other troops, Eric included, ducked for cover. Czaron twitched and jerked violently, then went limp.

When the smoke cleared, Isaac was holding the ring. The computer was still on, and a giant red eye filled all the screens. Eric moved around and asked Isaac to destroy the ring, saying it was clearly the key to the computer. Isaac refused, saying they could blackmail M.O.R.D.O.R. into giving itself up. The two argued for a minute, the Eric finally relented.

Eric stayed behind to check into the American embassy in Moscow, but Isaac hopped the next military plane to England. Over the Mediterranean Sea, however, the plane was the target of an attempted hijack. In the ensuing firefight, Isaac was shot dead, and the plane’s controls were damaged. It spiraled out of control and crashed into the Mediterranean Sea at close to 200 miles per hour. There were no survivors.

The king of England was killed later that week in a freak car accident. M.O.R.D.O.R. then released a statement saying that if a new king was installed, they would die in a week. The Parliament met, and decided that no new king would be announced. The Prime Minister took over all the king’s old duties.

All this time, the Ring remained lost…

A few years later, a young Italian boy of about eleven was diving in the Mediterranean when he happened to glance down and notice a small ring on the ocean floor. He picked it up and carried it with him as he went back up to his family, but he told no one about it.

Days later, his entire family was slaughtered. The boy escaped and fled into the Alps, where he hid in a cave. He lived in an underwater lake, and learned to catch fish with his bare hands. He spent hours talking to the ring, which he kept with him. He called it his precious, and it was his only friend in that dark place. He wanted to leave so badly, but he did not want to die, so he stayed. He became thin and pale, with sunken eyes and a raspy voice. His throat became terribly scratched, and he occasionally coughed violently and loudly.

Five years later, he received a visitor.

A young man named Robert “Bobby” Baggins became lost in a group of caves during an escape from thugs. Scared and alone, he ambled through the caves. As he walked, he happened to come across a small ring. Without thinking, he placed it in his pocket.

He met the boy, and he asked him to show him the way out. The boy challenged him to a riddle game, saying that if Bobby won, he would show him the way out, but if Bobby lost, he could kill him and eat him.

They went back and forth for hours, until finally, Bobby won. The boy went across the lake to fetch his ring, and as he was doing so, Bobby noticed a sliver of light from around a nearby corner. The boy suddenly discovered the ring was missing, and he screamed in rage and loss. Thinking Bobby had it, the boy paddled across the lake to attack him, but he was gone, running out the small crack in the wall he hadn’t seen before.

Bobby finished his adventure and retired to his hometown, a small village in the Appalachian Mountains. He took the ring with him, not knowing its true nature, and always kept it on his hand.

Years later, this same ring would become central in the greatest war the world had ever seen. The way it was recognized by Greg Grey (I will tell you about him later) was simple… it contained strange markings around the band.

It read:

Îäíî êîëüöî, ÷òîáû óïðàâëÿòü èìè âñåìè,
Îäíî êîëüöî, ÷òîáû íàéòè èõ,
Îäíî êîëüöî, ÷òîáû ïðèíåñòè èõ âñåõ,
È â òåìíîòå ñâÿçûâàþò èõ.

In the basic English, that’s:

One Ring to rule them all,
One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all,
And in the darkness bind them.

To Be Continued…

Next Time: Fred Baggins, Greg Gray, and the village of Hhobbiton…

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