I own none of the Lord of the Rings characters in this story. Kirrath is my character I created for a book as is Allnelia.

Kirrath felt a sickening sensation in his stomach as he tried to stand; the wizard had lashed him with a bolt of lightning.
“I will give you one more chance Elf, give me Allnelia and I will let you walk free.”
“You can not have my child!” Kirrath cried out in defiance and leapt at the wizard. Kirrath was intercepted by the wizard’s bodyguards. Kirrath leapt back drawing his long sword, he felt the blade collide with the bodyguard’s blade, he was gasping for breath as he tried to keep on his feet, the wizard’s lightning strike had weakened the elf far more then he wanted to admit, the elf risked a moment to glance back at his adopted daughter Allnelia, the young human-child lay prone on he ground her golden brown hair covering her face, he suppressed the urge to run to her and hold her knowing that if he did they would both die. The man in front of him suddenly sidestepped, Kirrath was thrown off balance, Kirrath cursed himself; he had let himself get distracted; Kirrath felt the man’s blade slice open his chest, he collapsed in pain as the man stabbed him, Kirrath felt like the world was spinning, the wizard was laughing, Kirrath cried out to Allnelia as everything went black.
Estel was running away from his brothers Elladan and Elrohir the twins were angry at him for pulling a prank on them, Estel couldn’t help but grin at the sight of their faces when a bucket of water had overturned unsuspectingly on their heads, Estel found himself in a glade suddenly, he paused for a moment catching his breath confident that the twins were far enough behind for him to rest a moment. A movement at the one end of the glade caught his eye; he went over to see what had moved his curiosity getting the better of him. Estel found himself looking upon an elf, he poked the elf’s shoulder thinking that he was only asleep, even though elves normally slept with their eyes open, but the elf didn’t move, Estel’s brow furrowed and he turned the elf on his back (for he had been on his side) and saw that the elf was wounded. He could see burn marks all over the elf’s pale body (most of his clothing had burned away from the lightning bolt) and two huge bleeding wounds, one on the elf’s chest another on his left shoulder. Estel cried out to his brothers hoping they would find him. His brothers did. They ran into the clearing their previous annoyance at their younger brother’s prank gone, replaced by concern. The twins spotted Estel sitting hunched over by someone, they approached their younger brother a confused look on their face; Estel didn’t look hurt.
“He’s hurt bad” Estel blurted out.
The twins looked at the elf beside Estel, they spotted the many wounds on the elf’s body and realised their brother spoke the truth.
“We have to get him back to Rivendell” Elladan said.
Elrohir nodded. The wounded elf stirred slightly murmuring something they only caught the name ‘Allnelia’ and the word ‘no’. Elrohir and Elladan somehow picked the elf up between them and they started home to Rivendell where Elrond, Lord of Rivendell and their Father, would hopefully be able to heal the elf.

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