(To the tune of “Part of you world”
From the “Little Mermaid”)

Legolas: Look at this hair, isn’t it neat, wouldn’t you think I’m complete as complete?

Aragorn: Don’t you think I AM THE ONE, the one who knows everything…

Boromir: look I’m so bold, my horns made of gold, how many me’s can this Middle-earth hold? Looking around you will see. WOW! Boromir’s everything…

Legolas: But I’ve got millions and millions of brushes and I’ve got shampoos of shampoos galore

Aragorn: you want armies? I’ve got twenty.

Boromir: but who cares, no big deal, I’ve got moooore…

Legolas: but you want to be where the clean ones are, you want to see them singing, dancing! You don’t want to be around those… What do you call them? Oh ya, Geeeeeeks!

Aragorn: walking through woods you don’t get too far, but ruling a Kingdom is much, much better!

Boromir: washing you hair with that… what’s that word? oh, shampoos YUCK!

Legolas: in Mirkwood we walk, in Mirkwood we run, in Mirkwood we play all day and have fuuuuun!

Boromir: wandering free, why would you be, part of his world?!

Aragorn: you won’t have to give, just come and live up in my palace.

Boromir: you could spend a day, just getting to play, blowing my hoooorn!

Legolas: I bet-ya with him they don’t understand bet-ya they don’t even wash their hair. You want clean hair and shampoos to spare that’s what you’ll geeeeettt!

Aragorn: But you know more than the people know, they ask you their questions you give them answers, they ask you what’s fire you say its something that buuuuurrns!

Boromir: when it’s my turn, wouldn’t you love, love to go blow my horn way above?

Aragorn: closer to me!

Legolas: No you could be!

Legolas, Aragorn & Boromir: part of my woooooorrld!

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