Review PLEASE!!!!!
Disclaimer: not mine
Spoilers: I guess FOTR.
thanks to my wonderful betas, Bailey and Veasse!!!A/N: This fic is extremely off canon, because I didn’t bother to check Tolkien before I wrote the story. In fact, it blatantly contradicts Tolkien in several places. Please note I didn’t mean for that to happen, and normally I would never write something this far off canon.


“Shh!! He’ll hear us!” Frodo glanced wildly around, trying to tell
if anyone had heard them. He sighed, and relaxed. “Merry, you’ve got
to be quiet!”

“Nonsense. We only want some mushrooms. Why should Farmer Maggot
care about that?” Merry didn’t know that this was the third time
this week that Frodo had entered the crotchety old man’s fields.
During the other two visits, Frodo had become acquainted with Mr.
Maggot’s two vicious watchdogs, and he didn’t particularly want to
chance another meeting. There was barking in the distance and Frodo
stiffened. They must have smelled Pippin. He had gotten lost in the
cornfields, and neither Frodo nor Merry had noticed ’till a little
while ago.

“Frodo! They’re getting closer!”

“I know! Oh do be quiet!” Frodo thought for a moment, trying to
figure out what to do. At last, the proverbial lightbulb went off in
his head.

“Merry, do you remember the old oak tree at the edge of the field?
If we can climb it, those dogs won’t be able to reach us!”

The two hobbits raced off and half-way there were joined by Pippin.
They reached the tree and Merry spied a branch that looked strong
enough to hold all three of them. Quickly scrambling up the tree,
the youngsters hid among the leaves as the dogs reached the trunk. A
cracking noise reached Frodo’s ears as the branch broke under their
weight and deposited all three hobbits on the ground right in front
of a glowering Farmer Maggot and two huge dogs.

“Run Frodo!” Pippin yelled.

Farmer Maggot roared as Frodo, Merry, and Pippin jumped the fence
that separated the cornfield from the woods.

“There! The dogs can’t get us here!” gasped Pippin.

“Frodo? What’s wrong?”

Frodo was too scared and shaken to respond to Merry. He never went
near Farmer Maggot’s fields again, not even for mushrooms. No matter
how hard Merry and Pippin tried to persuade him, the fear of those
ferocious dogs kept him away until one fateful day…..


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