“Mommy! Mommy! Look what Daddy gave me! Mommy?” Boromir ran yelling excitedly into the castle at Minas Tirith waving around the Horn of Gondor. Upon finding his mother, he sees her tenderly stroke her rounding stomach. Confused by her tender moment, he asks what she is doing. Finduilas, mother of an almost five year old Boromir, was caught off guard by her son’s enthusiastic entrance.
“That’s great, Bormi. The Horn of Gondor is a very special gift. Not to be used in light circumstances. Only use the horn in a time of dire need and distress”, she said forcefully. She was actually quite surprised at the affection her usually reserved husband had displayed in giving the gift.
“Okay mommy. But why were you rubbing your tummy? Are you hungry? Do you have a tummy ache? Do you need Daddy?” Boromir asked worriedly, going off on a rampage. Finduilas sighed. She had tried to delay this confrontation for as long as possible. It seemed as if the possible time had just arrived.
“Boromir, come over here and sit on mommy’s lap”, Finduilas said as she sat on the steps residing below the desolate throne of the absent king.
“You are such a big boy now all grown up. Inside mommy’s tummy right now there is a little baby growing into a little brother or sister, just for you. You won’t be the little baby anymore, you will be mommy’s big helper.” she continued as Boromir came over and sat on her lap.
“Wow mommy! I want a baby brother. I will teach him everything I know! Can I see him right now?” Boromir asked energeticly
“No Boromir, but you can listen to the baby and even feel it in my belly” at this Boromir bent his head down to listen to his sibling (that he insisted was a boy). As his head was pressed to Finduilas’s stomach, he felt a sudden pressure and his head started pounding in defiance. His not yet born sibling had just kicked him in the head.
“Mommy, he just kicked me!” Boromir cried. Finduilas hugged her son and her laughter echoed throughout the many halls.
His younger brother, Faramir, came running out into the halls, not knowing where he was heading. Boromir felt his five year old brother run into him with tears glistening in his eyes, and he knew what had happened. Not saying a word he dragged his brother into his arms and allowed him to sob into his shoulder. Boromir felt his brother fall into his embrace before he too cried the tears that needed to come.
“Boromir!” he heard his father call. His father had returned home at the worst possible moment. Instead of returning his father’s call he defied him and continued to cry with his brother. His father would find out what had happened soon enough.

Suddenly Boromir sat up in his bed, noticing that his eyes were damp and his forehead glistening with sweat. Of all the dreams to have on this day, it had to be that one. It was the one that replayed his mother’s death and the change in his father. Of all days to have the dream, it had to be today!

a/n-This story is a joint production composed by myself, gwedhieth, and lilpippin. Please review!!!! This is my first fanfiction, let me know how i am doing. thanks. Also, please send any private messages to both of us.

disclaimer-These characters are ours. No really! Yes, Tolkien ultimately came up with the whole world of middle earth and all of the characters. But they are ours! (None of the characters in this fanfiction our our own creation all Tolkien’s)

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