My Dear Sam

There are fears that assail me in night,
even as darkness taints day.
The earth trembles beneath,
the sky falls above,
my task looms, yet closed seems the way.

I am alone, though others surround me.
I am cold, though sweat stings my eyes.
The Ring pulls me closer,
the eye sees me naked.
I weep at the Nazgul’s shrill cries.

I cannot remember the Shire,
the blossoms, the orchards are gone,
the sweetness of berries,
the warmth of the sun,
the sound of the birds in full song.

Yet there is one near who remembers,
there is one with me who stands.
This burden I carry
may be mine alone,
but there is one holding my hand.

I cannot see him through the darkness,
but I feel him, his heart is so true.
When despair dulls my hope,
and the pain blinds my eyes,
the strength of his love pulls me through.

The day that this work is accomplished,
the moment my heart is set free,
I will see clear,
the face, oh so dear,
My Samwise, so precious to me.

Dear Samwise, so precious to me!!

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