The hobbit laid over her lap, eyes wide, the once bright blue fading, greying, and darkening to nothing. Tears ran down her pale smooth skin, he could not give in now.
Her whispers ran through the air for him, for Frodo but he was giving up. The Wraiths had been flooded over but that gave The Great Eye chance to take hold.

Hand laid on his head; the fingers to his pulse, Elrond shook his head, not daring to say a word for he could sense Samwise outside the door, listening in. Strider at the foot of the bed watched over the elf at his workings with great intensity and with the nod of his head, he left through the door. Ushering Sam away from the great wooden door by his shoulders, Strider whispered in the hobbits ear,
“You can go in soon, just let Elrond do his best for him for now”

Three days and not even once had Frodo even fluttered his eyelids, Sam nearly every spare minute by his bed side. Pippin and Merry dragging him off to bed at night, trying not to waken him from his troubled sleep, nearly too watched over their cousin in all time had. Only when later that very same did Elrond enter did Sam disappeared out of the room with no instruction. But his eyes at the window peered through as Elrond’s face became whiter and unhoping.

A cold sweat ran down Frodo from top to bottom, his breathing became slower and slower, harder with each lift of his chest. He left the room but Strider not. He pulled up a chair and sat elbows on knees, head in hands, thoughts running through his head. Only then did he think about what he kept seeing at the window. He smiles and winked to those eyes and Sam came solemnly in. He sat up on the bed near Strider, at the bottom of Frodo legs.

Silence in the room, apart from Frodo’s harsh breathing until quieter and quieter the room fell. Strider suddenly sat up, hand reaching for Frodo’s wrist. Pulse slowing, but his heart beat harder and faster. Strider revealed the wound on his shoulder. Frodo’s arm was cold, very cold and it was spreading throughout his whole body, but the wound itself seemed to have got bigger. A vast area it took, blood, the hole, deep over nearly his whole top of his arm. Strider went to the next room to get Elrond and something to help but Sam stayed, silent and close, watching every breath in. Stillness was everywhere until Frodo clenched his hands, tight round Sam’s right, his breathing slower, his heart beat finally slowed, slower and fainter.

Strider came back with Elrond and the healers, with the glance of Elrond’s eyes, Strider took Sam away. Sam screaming to Frodo, to stay with him, hands came underneath his arms and dragged him off,
“Frodo, please, Frodo, do not go where I can not follow” his tears ran down his face because he knew, something was not right. Elrond new this, so did Strider. By this time, Sam’s yell was heard near enough all over Rivendell and Merry, Pippin, Gandalf and Bilbo had to come to Sam, waiting with him, watching him pace to and fro up and down.

Elrond left the room, a smile to Gandalf he gave but no other noticed and Sam ran straight to Frodo. His skin was paler, whiter a slight tint of blue but his breathing was normal, the cold sweat was going and his temperature was lowering. Frodo’s once clenched fists were gently held by Sam.

Merry entered the room later on that night, food for Sam and to watch Frodo. He smiled to Sam sleeping self and took to Striders seat. Frodo’s hand moved, out from Sam’s hold and rubbed his eyes. A flicker to his eyelids did Frodo awaken but Sam in deep sleep, did not bother to waken him. Merry did not move to get anyone but stayed to hear Frodo’s first words for ages.
“I’m tired Merry, please do not get anyone. Leave Sam asleep, he’s been here too long to be woken” his whispery near enough slurred words, worried Merry.
“Cousin’ you need to be looked at though, we were all worried for you, especially Sam. Has your wound been healing?” to this Frodo revealed his shoulder, “Aye Merry” but soon after closed his eyes from pain he felt, deep in him never going to go “is it supposed to be this big, when only it be small to begin with, why does it hurt when there be no hurting for it, why is darkness so light for me?” he laid his head on the pillow once more and slept.

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