One last step
Leave them behind
Reach the boats and row away
One last step
You’re on your own
One last step
You’re on your way

One last step
The marshes pass
Leave the fearsome swamp behind
One last step
And Mordor’s closer
One last step
The gates you find

One last step
You clear the stairs
Standing now at tunnel’s door
One last step
Into the dark
One last step
Into the gore

One last step
Across the waste
Towards mountain looming, never near
One last step
Closer to doom
One last step
Closer to fear

One last step
Before you fall
Until at last your body breaks
One last step
And you colapse
One last step
You cannot take

One last step
Another takes
Borne on his back, you reach the top
One last step
You see a door
One last step
You cannot stop

One last step
Into the fire
Now do your deed and save your kind
One last step
To do your duty
One last step
“The Ring is mine!”

One last step
To reach the harbor
A ship to heal your soul and heart
One last step
You say goodbye
One last step
And you depart

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