I didn’t realize. I know I am always slow to catch on to things, Merry teases me about that, but truly, there is so much I didn’t realize. I didn’t realize that the Shire could be affected. I didn’t realize that I would have the courage to the things I’ve done and I didn’t realize that there would be more to do. But now, now I see my biggest oversight of all; the one I still don’t truly believe. I didn’t realize they wouldn’t recognize me.

Had I really changed that much? Had I changed to the point that it should be expected when I rode up, I would be meant with the tips of my kinsmen’s arrows? That when I declared my self, Peregrin Took, son of the Thain, Paladin, they did not embrace me right away like they used to, but they stared, they just stared! My friends, my family, they didn’t see who I was. How could this be? So, I jumped off my pony and told them again. It’s me, Pippin, we’re back, Merry, Frodo, Sam and I, and we’re going to save the shire.

Then they realize it is me, but their doubt, oh, their doubt hurt. I cannot deny that I’ve changed, but I’m still Pippin, aren’t I? I’m still the fool of Took Gandalf would say I am. I never wanted to be anything else; I was happy how I was.

Yet, I did change. I realize that now. Perhaps also, I must step into this role, the one that’s already been thrust upon me. It’s time to rally the Shire; it’s time to put away the fool and become the warrior! They were right not to recognize me, because today I am not little Pippin. Today, I am King’s messenger! I am Peregrin, Guard of the Citadel, warrior of Gondor, member of Fellowship, and one who shall see the Shire free! Awake! Awake! Fear, fire, foes! Awake!* Today is the day of salvation!


* From the chapter Scouring of the Shire, ROTK

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